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Rights Respecting Schools @ February Home Circles

In our February Home Circles we highlighted Article 23 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child which states that ‘a child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community. ‘

Our questions were –

Why is it so important that there are special rules in place to make sure people (adults and children) with a disability are always included in our school and community?

Can you think of ways in which people with disabilities are included?

Take a look through our answers in our Home Circle jotters …


Thank you to everyone who came along to our ceilidh and made it such a brilliant night!  Everyone certainly had on their dancing shoes and we were so proud of our pupils who showed off all the dances they have been learning in PE as well as learning some new ones.

A big thank you to Stephen, Sean, Kirsten and Jack in the band for giving up their time and supporting the school.


P7 -S1 School Transport

For all P7 starting Secondary School in August 2024, the application for School transport is now open. Please click on the link below and complete the section ‘Apply for school transport’  for your child.

The link currently states applications are for 2023/2024, but can still be used for school year 2024/2025.

Any problems completing the form please contact the school, thank you

S1 School Transport


P5 Swimming – Important Information

P5 Swimming – Parents/Carers

Our swimming sessions start on Wednesday 14th February, an IMPORTANT REMINDER;

All pupils need a bus pass to get to Visions. All cards which were reported as lost have been reissued and sent via Royal Mail, and cards ordered via school are in the process of being dispatched.

To ensure that your child has their bus pass on the swimming days, we are aiming to gather the passes prior to the first swimming day, and hold them for the 6 weeks. Please send in the bus pass with your child from tomorrow.

If you need the bus pass for transport outwith this time the card can be taken home, BUT MUST BE BROUGHT BACK INTO SCHOOL FOR THE WEDNESDAY SWIMMING DAYS.

The bus passes will be kept in the school office at all times.

If any pupil requires help obtaining a swimming costume or towel, please phone the school office.

We are looking forward to starting our swimming sessions.


Scots Verse Celebration – The Winners

Congratulations to our winners of the 2024 Scots Verse Competition,

P1 – Winner – Emily , P1 – Runner up – Blair

P2  – Winner –  Matthew, P2  – Runner up – Alfie

P3 – Winner –  Charlotte, P3 Runner up – Ava

P4 – Winner – Harris , P4 – Runner up – Jack

P5 – Winner – Brody , P5 – Runner up – Hailey

P6 – Winner – Lucy , P6 – Runner up – Harry

P7 – Winner – Ewan , P7 – Runner up Kaylie

The overall winner for this year was Brody P5.

A massive well done to all our pupils for taking part, and thank you to Mr Clipston and Mrs Speirs, our Judges.

ECC to Primary 1 Transition

Current Primary 1 parents we need your help.

As we begin to think about our new Primary 1s starting in August we would like to review our transition programme.

Could you please fill in the form below to give us feedback

thank you

ECC to P1 Transition

As a reminder here are some of the activities your child was involved in as they transitioned from the ECC into Primary 1.

  • Primary 6 Buddies
  • Two small group visits to the Primary 1 class
  • Three whole class visits for Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing
  • Bump up day
  • Teddy Bears Picnic
  • Pupil Information booklet
  • Parent Information session, lunch taster and take away help sheet
  • Open Morning in September


Reminder – CATRINE Values logo competition

At the beginning of this session, after consultation with pupils, staff, parents and carers, we updated our school and ECC values.

We now have our CATRINE Values –

C – Community

A – Achievement

T – Teamwork

R – Respect

I – Inclusion

N – Nurture

E – Excellence

We’re asking for your help in designing a logo which contains the words CATRINE Values and what each letter stands for.  The winning design will be made into a poster by the EAC Print Room and will be displayed around the school and incorporated into our school stationery.

We are NOT replacing our school badge – the lovely image of the Catrine Wheel will still be on our school jumpers and polo shirts; we are looking for a design for our CATRINE Values.

Logo entries are welcomed from creative folk of all ages – you can either hand in entries on paper to the main office or take photos of your design and email them to

The finished poster will be A4 size so we’re looking for a bright, colourful and clear poster which makes our CATRINE Values very easy to read and understand.

Thanks in advance for your help – I can’t wait to see your wonderful entries.  All entries to be in by Friday 26th January please.  Please contact the school for further information.  Mrs Govans