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P7 Information Evening at RBA

P7 Information Evening- Wednesday 5th June 6.30-8.00pm

Prior to the June induction days, we have our information evening for P7 parents and carers. We encourage all parents and carers who have a child joining us next year to attend. We anticipate that this evening will be very busy and politely request that only parents and their child attend this event. I would appreciate it if you would use the QR code below to complete a short Glow form confirming your attendance.

The evening will start with a presentation in Barony Hall. This presentation will cover the timeline of the transition process for this year, including what will happen during the two induction days in June. There will also be information on the S1 curriculum and how to stay in touch with the school, including key contacts for you and your child. Handouts will be available, which will include answers to frequently asked questions as well as links to our online platforms.

When the presentation concludes you will be given the opportunity to explore the school building, some of our pupils and members of staff will be on hand to give more details regarding their subject area and assist you in finding your way around the building.

In addition to this, many of our partners who offer supports in school, and to the local community, will also be on hand to discuss some of the work they do.

If your child will be attending the Supported Learning Centre (SLC) next year then you should attend the main presentation in Barony Hall before being accompanied to the SLC where staff will be able to show you the facilities.

I look forward to welcoming our new S1 to the school in June and answering any questions you may have on the 5th June.

Paul McGurn

Depute Head Teacher

The Robert Burns Academy