Catrine ECC in the spotlight

Catrine ECC’s Depute Manager, Alana Speirs, delivered a wonderful presentation today to an audience of over 90 EAC colleagues, including Headteachers and Heads of ECC from across the authority, the Senior Education Managers and the Head of Education at the Council Chambers in London Road in Kilmarnock.

She was highlighting the educational journey of the ECC which led to them earning national recognition – Scotland’s first Digital Learning ECC accreditation.

Alana detailed the structured programme led by Sherrie Devlin, ELCP, and talked about the drive, professionalism and commitment of all ECC staff members in working towards this whole ECC accreditation.

Alana and Sherrie are now working alongside Education Scotland colleagues to review the Digital Literacy programme of learning to ensure that the Early Years curriculum is well-structured, challenging and innovative.              #TeamCatrine leading the way 🙂

(apologies for the poor photo quality – I was too busy beaming with pride to take better ones!)

Exchange Counselling

The Exchange Counselling will be running 3 Free Online Neurodiversity workshops in Dec/Jan.

These will be open to parents & carers from all areas as part of ‘Community Family Support’.

N1: Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Neurodiversity- 12 Dec 2024, 16:30 – 17:30

N2: Understanding and Supporting Young People with ADHD – 06 Jan 2025, 16:30 – 17:30

N3: Caring for Yourself While Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child – 09 Jan 2025, 16:30 – 17:30

They will also receive a toolkit of resources if they attend.

To register for a place on the website please click on the link