Health Week 10-14th June

The whole school is looking forward to taking part in a wide variety of activities next week during our Health Week.  Every class will be out and about each day so pupils should come to school wearing sporty clothes – trackies, leggings, shorts, hoodies and trainers – so that they can take part in all of the great sessions on offer.  No football colours or crop tops please.

(Our P7s are heading to the Robert Burns Academy on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week so they should wear their uniform on these days).

It’s our Sports Day next Friday, 14th June, at 10.30am at Riverside Park.  Pupils should wear a t-shirt of their house colour, if possible, on Friday. We’re busy practising our races and remember to wear your trainers if you’re coming along so that you can join in with the Parents Races 🙂

Fingers crossed that the June sunshine makes an appearance next week!

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