Children and Young People’s Cabinet are organising a Colour Run for Children and Young People.
Wednesday 10th April
Howard Park, Kilmarnock
The event will start at 3pm
There will be free BBQ and popcorn as well as live entertainment from local young artists throughout.
Old clothes are advised!
Colour Run
We encourage you to sign up so we have an idea of numbers attending but you can also just show up on the day too!
We have now completed our P5 swimming block at Visions.
Everyone that attended has had a fantastic time either learning to swim or improve on their swimming techniques, thanks to the staff at Visions.
On top of the life skill of learning to swim, our P5s have also had the experience & life skill of travelling on the Stagecoach Bus each week, using their bus pass.
Thank you to the parents ensuring that their child had their swimming costume, towel and bus pass each week.
Well done P5, you are all swimming superstars.
Thank you again to the parent council and to DJ Billy for yet another amazing disco last night.
Well done to this week’s winners for being excellent pupils in our dinner hall.
EAC are currently holding free training and support for people interested in a career in childminding.
An East Ayrshire Council site