Thank You Everyone

A massive thank you to everyone that recently sponsored our pupils in our Harvest Hush In. The children raised £310.00 towards the school funds.

Our Dress Down Day on Friday 13th October raised £75.00.

This dress down day was inconjuntion with the Clean Green Campaign. This money will go towards buying a new recycling bin for our playground.

Thank you again for your support.


Hallowe’en Disco Information – 26.10.23

Reminder that the Parent Council Hallowe’en Disco is on Thursday 26th October.

Entry is £2.00 per person, paid at the door in cash.

A tuck shop will be available to purchase crisps, sweets & drinks. Cash only.

The P7’s will also be selling glow sticks, 4 for a £1.00, cash only, and funds raisied will go towards their P7 leavers hoodies.

We hope to see you all there.

Hallowe’en Fun at Catrine PS

We will be celebrating Hallowe’en on Tuesday 31st October at the school.  Pupils can either come to school in a Hallowe’en costume or dressed in casual clothes like a Dress Down Day.

Please ensure that their Hallowe’en costume is suitable for playing outside during interval and lunch, and that they can take it on and off by themselves when using the toilet.  Please note – no huge accessories (swords etc) or scary masks.

Our pupils will be taking part in Hallowe’en activities throughout the day and will be having a party in their class in the afternoon.

We’re looking forward to a spooky and fun-filled day!