A great start to Term 1

  • And we’re back! We’ve had a lovely, settled start to our new term with our pupils all looking very smart in their Catrine PS uniform.
  • A special Well Done to our new Primary 1 pupils who have settled in so quickly. P1 pupils are in from 9.30am to 2.30pm today and tomorrow, and will be in full time from Wednesday 23rd
  • Our playgrounds are supervised from 8.45am every morning.
  • Most pupils have brought in their PE bag, which can be left in school, and should contain their PE kit of plain shorts and appropriate gym shoes. No football colours or logos please. Your child’s PE timetable will be put on their class blog over the next couple of days.
  • PLEASE remember to label all of your child’s belongings – our Lost Property basket is always overflowing with unclaimed jumpers and cardigans!
  • Remember to order your child’s lunch via Parentpay for each school week to ensure they get their first choice at lunchtime. It would be great if you could order with your child so they know what they are getting for lunch each day.
  • Pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the school day, so bottles of water (not juice or fizzy drinks please) are allowed in our classes. Please label your child’s bottle.
  • Please also be reminded that the streets around Catrine PS are ‘School Streets’ and that parents/carers should not be using them at drop off and pick up times for the safety of all of our pupils and wider community. We would appreciate your continued support and observance of this legal requirement.
  • We’re looking forward to welcoming our parents/carers and families into our school to share the wonderful learning and teaching that’s taking place at Catrine PS so look out for dates of Open Mornings and family events.

Mrs Govans