Summer Trip Information

Information for the school trip on Monday 26th June,

  • All children to arrive at school for 9.00am for registration, as buses leaving promptly 9.10am.
  • All children to wear school uniform on top, for easy identification within a busy setting.
  • Please keep James Taylor Avenue clear of traffic to allow access for the buses.
  • Packed lunches to be brought in a throw away plastic bag ( No lunch boxes) and a plastic bottle. Please ensure name on bag and bottle.
  • A snack can be brought for snack time.
  • There will be NO visit to the gift shop. NO requirement to bring money.
  • We will return to school at 3.30pm. Please note later return time.
  • All children will return into the school, and be dismissed from their usual exits when the bell rings.

If you require a school packed lunch, please ensure that you have booked this out on parentpay by end of today, to allow our kitchen staff to organise this.

We are looking forward to another wonderful whole school adventure.