P7 – Robert Burns Academy News

P7 parents/carers please read information from Robert Burns Academy.

Dear parent / carer

As we are now well into the final term of the year, I thought I would send an update with some of the key dates for P7s over the next few months.

Key Dates 

Wednesday 24th May- P7 Information Evening at RBA 6.30pm 

Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June- P7 Induction days at RBA 

Throughout this term we will continue to liaise with our colleagues in the primary schools to make plans for our new S1s. In addition to this, our staff have also prepared a series of lessons designed to introduce our S1 curriculum to your child. These lessons will be issued to each primary school in the hope that it will give P7s a sample of what to expect during their first few weeks in S1.

I am now at a stage where I will begin to create our new S1 classes for next year. To allow me to do this I would appreciate it if you could return the medical / sibling information form that has been issued to you by your child’s primary school.

I would strongly urge you to attend our P7 Information Evening at The Robert Burns Academy on Wednesday 24th May. This evening will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of our key staff and see inside the school. In preparation for this evening, I would also like to gather your views on what you most like to hear about on the evening. The Glow form below will take only a few minutes to complete and will provide me with the feedback required to tailor this evening to your needs. Please complete this by Wednesday 10th May if it is your intention to attend the information evening.

Once I have collated the response to this form, I will issue a letter with further details regarding the arrangements for the Information Evening


Best wishes

P McGurn  DHT

The Robert Burns Academy



Paul McGurn

Depute Head Teacher

The Robert Burns Academy

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