Health and Wellbeing Committee

The Health and Wellbeing committee group have worked extremely hard over the last few weeks to promote positive mental and physical wellbeing around the school.

On our first committee group day, we looked at the importance of mental wellbeing and our feelings.  We worked together in groups to create  mind-maps on what we thought emotional and mental wellbeing is.  We shared our different opinions and strategies we can use to keep ourselves in the ‘green zone’ and ways to help if we find ourselves getting angry/upset.

Many of the pupils agreed that they found colouring to relax them and take their minds off of other thoughts.  Therefore, we decided to have a mindfulness colouring session to calm down and relax.  We also tried some tricky memory games to then reflect on how it made us feel and what we could do to push ourselves back in to the green zone of emotions.

We also took part in a yoga class to help calm us down and relax our body.

As a way of showing our emotions, we decorated ‘mood jars’ and would use colours that relate to different emotions.  This was an activity we would continue to add to until the jar was full of emotions.

On the second committee day we looked at physical wellbeing and the importance of healthy eating and exercise.  We started our day with some games and exercises and would then discuss how it made our body and mind feel afterwards.

As we discussed the importance of physical exercise and healthy eating, we wanted to promote this around the school so we created posters to encourage all pupils to bring in their gym kit and different healthy foods we could eat.

On our final committee day, we worked together to write a letter to ask if our Active Schools Coordinator would like to take part during Health week and carry out different activities with the school.

We also looked at positive affirmations and the impact they can have on others.  We shared different positive comments we would like to hear and made our own cards to be shared around the school to cheer up others.

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