Be bright be seen day – Friday 25th November

Next Friday is be bright be seen day . With the dark mornings and dark nights we need to remember cars can’t always see us when we cross the road.

Next Friday pupils can come to school wearing bright clothes or with something bright in their hair, on their jacket or on their bag. Or pupils can just dress down.

The junior road safety officers will organise some activities for everyone.
by Connor &Caleb

Film Stars at Catrine ECC

On Tuesday 15th November Alana and Lesleyanne had the privilege of attending the CYPIC conference in Glasgow SEC where a  video clip was presented showcasing Catrine ECC and our fabulously famous children 🙂

Scottish Government asked the ECC  to discuss some of the changes they have made so far whilst on their  journey to becoming a Communication Friendly Environment with the collection of data and quality improvement methods in mind.

Below you can find the link to the video clip where you might see some familiar faces (Riccarton ECC appear first in the clip with Catrine following on a few minutes later)