Tomorrow is Tuesday 30 November and Scots around the world will be celebrating out patron saint St Andrew. In Catrine Primary School, every class will be involved in a variety of activities to learn about our patron saint. Please click on the link below, for you and your child, to find a little more ……….
We are delighted to let you know that our class mugs, that we were selling as a festive fundraiser, have arrived. To ensure they make it home in “one piece” we would prefer if they were collected by an adult from the main entrance. Therefore, if you have ordered a mug you can come to school between 9.00 a.m. – 9.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. – 2.55 p.m. on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 November. To keep our children safe, these are the only times you will be able to enter our school grounds. PLEASE NOTE all social distancing guidelines MUST be followed by all visitors to the school (face coverings must be worn). Please bring a bag with you.
We think you will be really happy with the mugs. Thank you for your continued support!
Catrine Primary School is part of the “School Streets” initiative. This means the roads around the school will be closed between 8.45am and 9.30am and again between 2.30pm – 3.20pm. on a daily basis (Monday – Friday). This is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils in the Primary School and ECC, and also helps reduce pollution.
Here is the link to our school street project video – take a look!!
This Friday 26th November, Primary 4 (Our Junior Road Safety Officers) are encouraging everyone to ‘Be Bright, Be Seen!’ by wearing something bright or reflective to school. As the nights get darker it is important to keep ourselves safe & ensure we can be seen clearly by road users.
Primary 4 will also be running a ‘Design A Bright Hoodie’ competition with the chance to win some road safety prizes!
The Barony Education Group and EAC Health & Wellbeing Officers are hosting a virtual RSHP meeting for Parents/Carers to highlight what is being covered in primary school and ECC. RSHP, meaning Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood , is a major part of the 3-18 Curriculum for Excellence programme. This will be an informal learning community event and all parents and carers are invited and offered the opportunity to ask any questions. This event will take place via vscene and can be viewed on laptops, PCs or phones. Please complete the form below by Monday 29th November.
Throughout the Festive season and up until June 2022 each class will watch various films, during Arts & Crafts/Fun Time periods, that may contain a PG certificate. If you DO NOTwant your child to view any film with a PG certificate, please contact the school office.
If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Friday 19 November is a dress down day for Children in Need. The children will be taking part in various activities within their classes. The school will not be asking for donations this year, but you can donate by clicking Donate to BBC Children in Need.
All pupils have been issued with their first ‘Big Talk’ homework of the session. The assessment criteria for their personal presentations can be found on their class GLOW blog pages – these will help pupils and parents/carers to know what is expected at each level.
Each class has a different focus for their talk and some tips to help them get organised have been highlighted by their teacher.
Pupils should practise their talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. They may want to use notes or prompt cards to help them stay on track.
All talks will be assessed using the school’s Talking & Listening criteria, which you can see by clicking on the link below. Talking and Listening skills are developed throughout our Literacy programme and it’s important that pupils are encouraged and supported to prepare, practise and deliver their talk so thank you in advance for working with your child to get their talk ready.
Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 29th November – please visit your child’s class GLOW blog for more information.
A massive thank you to Maureen and Dino Carrino (local business owners) who generously donated £100.00 to the school. This money will go towards purchasing games and resources for each class to use during wet weather intervals and lunches.
If you want to purchase your child’s class mug, please ensure you pay through ParentPay by Friday 12 November. You can request a pay point letter from the school office.
Please note that the school WILL NOTbe able to order mugs after that date.
If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Barnardo’s gifted all children in Primary 1 with a “Mister Maker by toucan Box” today. This arts and crafts activity pack can be enjoyed with your child.
Class Mugs can now be ordered through ParentPay. The mugs cost £6.00 each and you can purchase as many as you want. Orders and payment must be paid through ParentPay by Friday 12 November to confirm delivery before the Christmas Holiday (barcoded paypoint letters can be issued by telephoning the school office). Please accept our apologies for the short payment time but this is to ensure prompt delivery.
*Please note that you will not be able to purchase a mug after 12 November.
If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
It was lovely to see so many of our P1 parents for a ‘maths blether’ last week – despite the pouring rain!
Mrs Schendel and Mrs McKenna would love a blether with parents/carers of P2 parents about all things maths and will be in the main playground on Tuesday 9th November at 2.45pm.
Please come along and ask any questions you may have in supporting your child with their maths homework or to ask about the maths work taking place in the P2 classroom.
We still need to follow Covid-19 regulations so please remember to wear a face covering, unless exempt, and maintain social distancing.
If you are unable to attend but have any maths related questions you would like to ask please e-mail me at:
We look forward to seeing you then and hopefully the weather will be kind.