Congratulations – we did it!

As we finish the end of Week 5 of Home Learning, I would like all parents, carers, grans, papas, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and family members of our pupils to give themselves a well-deserved pat on the back for assisting our pupils and children with their home learning tasks.  We love seeing your photos and videos, and, as always, are impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm for helping your children to learn in these unusual times.

The biggest ‘well done’ needs to go to all of our children at both Catrine ECC and PS – they are coping so well, again, with huge changes to their learning and we are missing them all so much.

With an announcement due on Tuesday 16th February from the Scottish Government about the return details for ECC and Primary 1, Primary 2 and Primary 3 – please continue to check our GLOW blogs and APPS for updates.

Both the ECC and PS are on holiday on Monday 15th, with inservice days on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th so no online learning will be posted on these days.  Class teachers and ECC practitioners will post work on our GLOW blogs from Thursday 18th February.

Wishing all our families and the Catrine community a lovely February break.  As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch. 

Mrs Govans