Home Learning Review

Well done to everyone – both pupils and parents/carers – for their brilliant efforts during the first few weeks of home learning.  The majority of the home learning packs were collected so quickly from the school office, and we’ve enjoyed receiving email and GLOW updates from pupils and parents/carers letting us know what is going well, and also asking for advice or clarification if they were getting stuck.  All teachers are contactable via email and Mrs Schendel, Mrs McDicken and I can be contacted by either phoning the school or email.

We’re here to help and support you and by working together we’ll ensure that our Catrine PS pupils get the best out of these home learning times.

Remember – do what you can when you can.  Home learning needs to work around you and your family.  Our staff are trying lots of different ways to engage with our pupils so keep checking our school blog and class blogs for updates.

Thanks to everyone who completed our GLOW questionnaire about our home learning provision.  We are delighted with the responses and have taken on board the suggestions made to improve what we are offering to our families.

Please click on the links below to see the collated responses.

New home learning paper packs will be available for collection from the school office from Monday 1st February – we look forward to seeing you then. Let us know if you need any other resources – pencils, rubbers etc – and we’ll check what we have in store.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch. 

Mrs Govans

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

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