Primary 1 Enrolment for August 2021


Under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, children who are five years of age between 1 March 2021 and 29 February 2022, and whose parents wish them to attend school, should register for education during the week commencing Monday 11 January 2021 until Friday 15 January 2021. As a result of the current Covid 19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of all parents/carers and school staff East Ayrshire Council has developed an online registration form.

How to register

East Ayrshire Council P1 registration form will go live on their website on Monday 11 January 2021. Parents/Carers should go to:

If you already have an East Ayrshire Council Customer Account you should select the “login” option. If you do not have a Customer Account you should select the “register” option.

  • the first screen tells parents/carers about the online process
  • the next screen is where you should fill in all the parent/carer details
  • the next screen is where you fill in all of the child’s details
  • the next screen is where you should list an emergency contact for your child
  • the next screen is asking for health and medical details for your child
  • the last screen relates to equal opportunities information

Once all mandatory fields have been completed you will be taken to the “evidence” page. This page requires Parents/Carers to photograph and upload their child’s full birth certificate and two proof of address documents. If you are unable to do this at this point you should click “No”. You will receive an email explaining how this can be done at a later date.

The next screen is where you make the decision whether your child attends Catrine Primary School or you make a placing request.

When the form has been submitted you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your school enrolment application form.

We look forward to receiving the information about our new intake. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for any assistance. You can email me at