Home Learning Packs

Staff have been in school over the last few days to compile home learning packs for every pupil, for use over the next couple of weeks.

Packs can be collected from Monday 11 January between 9.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. from the main entrance. Please ensure masks are worn and all social distancing rules are followed. The home learning packs are a mixture of Literacy, Numeracy and Topic activities. Included in the pack are your child’s login details for various online learning sites.

Over the course of the next few weeks your first point of contact for any issues or questions, with regards to your child’s learning, should be your child’s class teacher.  Your child’s class teacher can be contacted between 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. by email:

  • cheryl.burleigh@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 1/2
  • jacqueline.mclean@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 2
  • jill.ferguson@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 3
  • erin.cook@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 3
  • meghan.feighan@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 4/5
  • fiona.mccaig2@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 5/6
  • laura.mckenna@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 6/7
  • roberta.schendel@eastayrshire.org.uk – Primary 5/6

If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.