Welcome back to Term 3

As we start a new term at Catrine PS, I hope that you have all had a safe and healthy start to 2021.

In line with national guidelines our school is not open to pupils, except approved keyworker pupils, until February 1st 2021.  Our staff will be in school over the next few days to get organised for online learning, which will start on Monday 11th January.

Online learning

Every day, from Monday 11th January,  each teacher will post a Literacy and Numeracy task on their class GLOW page. As our whole school focus in January is SCOTLAND, each class will be set an activity on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a Scottish theme.  Pupils should use the resources in their Home Learning Toolkit that was sent home in August to help with their tasks.  Not all online learning tasks need to be completed online – pupils can write in their jotters or use other resources to help with their Active Literacy and Numeracy tasks.

Online access

A copy of your child’s login details for the variety of online learning sites that they can use will be provided in their home learning pack – see below.

Home Learning Packs

Our staff have also prepared some paper home learning packs for every pupil, which can be collected from the main office from Monday 11th January. These worksheets are a mixture of revision and fun activities for our pupils.

Please phone the office for any further information, and make sure to regularly check our school GLOW and APP as that is where any further updates will be posted.

Take care.  Mrs Govans


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