Update from EAC Education Department

Please note – ​​​​​​​an article was released in a local newspaper yesterday which stated that all EAC schools and ECCs  were starting back on 18th August 2020 – this is not the case. 

A starting date has still to be confirmed for a return for both pupils and staff.  Further information will follow regarding the start date for the August term.

On behalf of Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Head of Education

One thought on “Update from EAC Education Department”

  1. two days ago i went down the street and i got about twenty five tadpoles and i took them home today is day three of looking after them i have been doing this journey on y TikTok (which is private ) and when i got them i looked on the internet to see what i could feed them and it said frozen foods and boiled eggs and lots of different stuff so when i first got them i gave them frozen sweetcorn and yesterday i gave them some bits of boiled eggs and they didnt eat the boiled egg white but they loved the egg yoke and i havent fed them today

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