HT Challenge #18 – Quiz Answers

Well done to everyone who participated in the Animal Quiz – I’ve been sent lots of emails/photos of answers …

Check your answers against the list below and let me know how you got on.  No cheating!!

  1. What’s the fastest land animal? CHEETAH
  2. What’s the biggest animal in the ocean? A BLUE WHALE
  3. What’s the only poisonous snake native to the UK? AN ADDER
  4. How many lives is a cat said to have? NINE
  5. What do you call a baby kangaroo? A JOEY
  6. Do polar bears live in the Arctic or the Antarctic? THE ARCTIC
  7. What do you call a group of sheep? A HERD/FLOCK (either is acceptable)
  8. How many legs does a spider have? EIGHT
  9. Is a koala a real bear? NO, IT’S A MARSUPIAL
  10. What’s the tallest animal in the world? A GIRAFFE
  11. What kind of animal is Shere Khan in ‘The Jungle Book’? A TIGER
  12. What is an alicorn? A WINGED UNICORN
  13. How many horns did a triceratops have? THREE
  14. What bird, with a distinctive call heard at the start of summer in the UK, is famous for stealing other birds’ nests? A CUCKOO
  15. What’s the name of the cat in ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ book? HAMISH
  16. Nala and Simba are what kind of animal? LIONS
  17. What type of dog is Marshall from ‘Paw Patrol’? A DALMATION
  18. How many brains does an octopus have? NINE
  19. What’s the slowest animal in the world? SLOTH
  20. A group of which species is known as a Parliament? OWLS

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend with your family 🙂

Mrs Govans x