Brass Instrument

Some of our pupils have expressed an interest in learning to play a brass instrument. So far, Mr Williams has been unable to do trials due to the current restrictions.

He is hoping that once restrictions ease this will become possible.  If this is something that your child is interested in then please click on the link below and register their interest. Once restrictions allow Mr Williams will be able to see anyone who has expressed an interest.

Tweet Premiere 🚀👩🏽‍🚀

What a fantastic day we all had at our Tweet Premiere today. We decorated the hall with our brilliant flight themed decorations.  We had our very own Walk of Fame and a beautiful celebration cake. We were totally amazed by both movies and can’t wait to share them with you soon.

We were lucky enough to have a very special presentation where we all received certificates as well as our very own WAL (Winning at life) jackets,  complete with the dance-tronaut logo.

Film Premiere

This Wednesday we are having a film premiere. This is to showcase all of our fantastic work from our Tweet project with P5/6. We have been busy making decorations to decorate the hall for our premiere.

There will a celebration event in the school on Wednesday afternoon, where we get to see our films for the first time & have a party. For the celebration everyone is allowed to wear their own casual/party clothes. Clothes must be suitable for being outside at break and lunch and no football strips allowed.

We can’t wait until we can share our films with you all.


Primary 6/7

Our weekly round up

This week P6/7 were doing homophones. For  PE we worked in groups to create our own activity & the each group led the session for the rest of the class. The P7s  had a Teams call with Mr. Tickner about transitioning to the Robert Burns Academy. Mrs  Govans was in our class on Thursday afternoon and we were learning about anti-bullying and kindness.  Today it was Pudsey day for Children in Need and we did crafts and pictures for it.

P6/7 Big Talk Homework

Title:  My Favourite Film or Book

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5 minute talk about your favourite film or book.  The presentation should be as detailed as possible and should include information about the genre, characters, setting and plot.  You could also include your favourite parts and the reasons why you like them, or ways you think the author or director could have made them even better. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved on GLOW or pen-drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Talks should be ready to be present the week beginning Monday 29th November.

Weekly round up 👍😃

During our week first we did soldier art with tissue paper and clear seal. For our maths we were doing calculations multiplied by 20 . We also were doing challenge cards . We were on our menti teams call, we were talking about child rights . We read some more of our Divided City novel. That brings us to the end of the week. We finished with some P.E and free choice.

by Primary 6/7

Home Learning – Thursday 11th November

Good Morning P6/7,

Unfortunately we can’t be in class today & therefore we will be completing our learning online.


I have attached an online version of our class novel, Divided City. I have also attached the task map for Chapters 24-29 for you to choose some activities from.

Divided City Book

Divided City Ch24-29 Task Map

You can also access reading wise to practise your common words in the zip section & practise your vocabulary.


We have been working on multiplication in class.

Today you can revise multiplying by 20 – (multiply by 10 and double your answer) &  multiplying by 50 (multiply by 100 and half your answer).

Try the calculations below:


350 x 20=

670 x 20 =

480 x 20 =

3210 x 20 =

4820 x 20


460 x 50 =

680 x 50 =

980 x 50 =

8746 x 50 =

I have also added a challenge to Sumdog.

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day & we would be having a minutes silence at 11am in school. In class we looked at the importance of the poppy and why it was the chosen flower to remember those who have given their lives in battle.

Today I thought you could create your own poppy pictures, using the tutorial below.

My email address is

Weekly Round-up! 🎨⚽️

This week we have been really busy working on our Fibonacci patterns in maths. This is where you have to add the previous two numbers to get the next number in the sequence.

Today Layla, Alix, Calvin, Connor all got to work with Jordan to make up a task for all the class to do and we had to lead a warm up and we picked to organise a football tournament to see how good our leadership skills are.

Here are some photos.


Layla, Alix, Lexie & Sonny

Our weekly round up🥳

This week we read some more of our Divided City book and did tasks on it. We also made some more refugee art and this week we did behind the eye of a refugee . We also decorated our class room with hand made decorations. We did some more art based on Halloween we followed a step by step video and made a zombie. We also did fun maths, where we did tennis ball multiplication, polydron and Halloween multiplication art. And then to wrap the week up we had had our Halloween party. We played games, had snacks and watched a movie .

– Lexie & Ava

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