Our weekly round up🥳

This week we read some more of our Divided City book and did tasks on it. We also made some more refugee art and this week we did behind the eye of a refugee . We also decorated our class room with hand made decorations. We did some more art based on Halloween we followed a step by step video and made a zombie. We also did fun maths, where we did tennis ball multiplication, polydron and Halloween multiplication art. And then to wrap the week up we had had our Halloween party. We played games, had snacks and watched a movie .

– Lexie & Ava

Our weekly round up 😃

Our weekly round up 😃

On Tuesday we did Columbia 1400 for our second session and it was all about the value of awareness.

We also did our welcoming refugee hands. Here is a picture.

We also had pipe band and we were playing tenner drums and the chanter.

On Thursday we did our writing audit to see how we could improve writing in our school. We looked at different stories & looked at the characters, setting & plots.  We also had strings.

On Friday we read some more of our Divided City book and did some multiplication calculations. We did a K’nex challenge and had to make a boat for our refugee topic on how the people came over on the boats.


Lexie & Keira

💜!Go purple day!💜

Today P6/7  were arranging a Go Purple Day for the whole school, including the ECC, for the Ayrshire Hospice. We set up some activities for everyone. Some of the activities were outdoors and indoors, all involving the colour purple . For example, we hid smiley faces in classrooms and teddies out in the play ground . There were 10 smiley faces in each classroom and we hid 10 teddies in the play ground but there was a twist – each class had a different time to find them. For example, the ECC, P1 and P2 had 30 minutes  and P3 had 20 minutes and so on . We also made a card for the Ayrshire Hospice  and paper chains with purple designs.  Here are some pictures.  We had a great day!


Sophie & Keira



Sneak Peek 🎬

Today Primary 5/6 and Primary 6/7 were joined by the Tweet Project staff & videographer, Taylor. It was amazing to see all of their hard work from the past few weeks coming together.

We cannot wait to see the finished product & share it with you all, but here is a little sneak peek of behind the scenes.


Tweet Dance Project – Wednesday 🕺🏼💃🏽🎥🚀

To complete our Tweet dance project, the film crew will be attending Catrine P.S on Wednesday 6th October for the pupils to create their own dance film. Primary 5/6 and 6/7 have been part of many discussions around costumes etc. All children should come to school dressed in black leggings/joggers and a plain coloured t-shirt. As we will be filming outside for most of the day please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear on.
It has also been requested that anyone with long hair has their hair back, away from their face for when they are dancing.

We can’t wait to see the finished product & share it with you all. 😊

Weekly round up

We’ve had a super busy week in P6/7!

On Tuesday we did a Columba 1400 TEAMS meeting with other schools. It was about values and leadership – we needed to  draw a can or a bottle then put fill it with the things needed to make a good team and we did a presentation to the class.

On Wednesday we did our Tweet project. We were outside dancing for the whole day and  we were organising a party for when we finish it and get the dvd back.

On Thursday we started off with strings, it was our second time back after the summer holidays and it was the first time we played a song. After lunch we played tennis and we made a court and we had to measure it and we also got to play on it.

On Friday we read some Divided City in the morning then after break people from EPIC came in and showed us some instruments that we could maybe play when they come back in to run some workshops for us.  We completed a Minecraft themed escape room as part of our Maths Week activities. In the afternoon we done a knex challenge – we had to build a castle with certain criteria and measurements.

By Calvin & Declan