All posts by Miss Burleigh

Weekly Roundup

To start off the week we had a Halloween Party with lots of different activities in each class. On Tuesday we had strings and we learned to mix classical and dance music we also read a little bit more of our class novel. In maths we were practising formal method with multiplication. On Wednesday we were playing chess with P3/4 here are some photos.

Also on Wednesday we had Pipe Band we were learning the temper drums and the chanter.

On Thursday we did free writing. We made letters, stories and all different things we also had gym.

And on Friday we read more of our novel and we did firework art for the 5th of November we had Funtime Friday and a Kahoot to finish of the week.

By Lexie

Weekly Round-up

What a week it has been in P6/7!
We started our week with a fantastic sports day & chess championship final on Monday.
P6 spent Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday with their friends in P5/6 with Mrs McCaig & Miss Murdoch. They had a fabulous Teddy Bear’s Picnic with their buddies from the ECC on Wednesday afternoon.
P7 Had a fantastic 2 day visit to The Robert Burns Academy on Tuesday & Wednesday.
On Thursday we had our whole school Prize-giving.
P7 spent their last ever Friday at Primary school on their leavers trip! What a fantastic day everyone had from learning to climb at Above Adventure to eating everything we could possibly think of at McDonald’s & singing their hearts out to the best tunes on the bus.


P7 Baby Photos

Thank you to all of those in Primary 7 that have already brought their baby photo in.
Can anyone that has still to bring their photo in bring it in to school on Monday or if it easier then you can email it to me.
My email is

Thank you 😃

Weekly Round-up

What a busy week we have had for health week. We have taken part in many different health and well-being lessons throughout the week. We got to try lots of different fruits that were kindly donated from Tesco. Miss Brown, who is also a coach at Logan boxing club, also took us for some boxing sessions & we got to do some skipping and pad work.
We had a fantastic time exploring at Kelburn Country Park for our whole school trip on Wednesday.

Jubilee Celebrations 👑

We had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This morning the whole school went outside to design their own placemats whilst listening to the wonderful brass band perform for us.
Then we split into 3 different groups, that had people from every class and we moved round the different activities. We designed wonderful Jubilee celebration posters, built fantastic castles for the queen & completed some beautiful artwork.
We all went outside again at lunch & enjoyed ‘the best lunch ever’ with our friends.

Our weekly round up 💜

On Monday we had our weekly assembly and after that we did some commonwealth art work. On Tuesday we learned algebra in maths and we went out for gym. Then on Wednesday it was world of work day so we done some quizzes and found out what job suited us best. We discussed the different roles and jobs that people do. We looked at the different roles/jobs you need in order to create a movie. We teamed up with P4 to create a story board for our own movies that are based around the main character’s job.

On Thursday we went a walk with p5\6 and on Friday we read some more of our book and had fun time Friday !!

By Ava & Keira


P7 Information Video from The Robert Burns Academy

Dear parent / carer 

I am pleased to share with you the link to our P7 Information Video. As we are currently unable to welcome large groups of parents to the school for a face-to-face information evening, we decided to record a video that you can view with your child instead. This video should answer many of the questions you may have about the final stages of our transition programme. 

The video can be viewed by clicking the link below: 

Or through our school blog’s P7 Transition section:  

We would also like to invite you to an online drop-in session on Wednesday 25th May from 6.30-7.30pm.  There will be no presentation or content shared during this session, this is an opportunity for parents and carers to ask any questions they may have. I would encourage you to watch the information video and look at the content on the P7 Transition page of our school blog in the first instance.   

You can join us for the online session via the following link: 

Meeting room number: 1413569 

Meeting ID: 104859 

I look forward to seeing you soon! 

P. McGurn 

Depute Head Teacher 

The Robert Burns Academy 

Weekly Round-up

This week we have been reading our new book called The Wreck of Zanzibar. We have been learning about different spelling rules & patterns, particularly i before e.
We have been learning about time in Maths & have been calculating how long different journeys take.
We completed round 2 of our chess championship & can’t wait to start round 3 next week.
On Tuesday for gym we practised different jumps & relay running, and on Thursday we went to the park.
Today P7 completed their Numeracy SNSA & the P6 pupils were working with Barry. This afternoon we had Fun Time Friday & finished the week with a Kahoot Music Quiz.

Big Talk

Twice a year, the children take part in our whole school ‘Big Talk Homework Challenge’.  This is where your child gets the opportunity to prepare and present a talk to the class.

This term we will be having a World of Work day so the title of the talk will be ‘When I am older, I would like to be…’.

At home, your child should prepare and practise their talk.

Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What job would you like to do when they are older and why?
  • What skills or equipment might you need for the job/ what skills would this job help to develop?
  • What skills do you have that would make you a good fit for this career?
  • More information about your chosen job & the role you would like to take on.
  • You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved on GLOW or pen-drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

The talk should be ready to be presented the week bg Monday 6th June.

We look forward to hearing about what they would like to be!