Our weekly round up ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Our weekly round up ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

On Tuesday we did Columbia 1400 for our second session and it was all about the value of awareness.

We also did our welcoming refugee hands. Here is a picture.

We also had pipe band and we were playing tenner drums and the chanter.

On Thursday we did our writing audit to see how we could improve writing in our school. We looked at different stories & looked at the characters, setting & plots.ย ย We also had strings.

On Friday we read some more of our Divided City book and did some multiplication calculations. Weย did a Kโ€™nex challenge and had to make a boat for our refugee topic on how the people came over on the boats.


Lexie & Keira

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