Thursday 7th May- Daily Task

Ziggy’s Back…….

We all love Ziggy, our helpful friend who teaches us about Road Safety, and he has a new adventure to share with all of us – Ziggy’s Rainbow Walk.


Road Safety Scotland's tweet - "Zab-a-Ding-a-Doo! Ziggy's back ...

This is a great story for children to learn about social distancing and taking care when out on walks and the roads around them.

Whilst out on your walk you may want to try some of Ziggy’s activities – they are great fun.

Ziggy’s Activities

Zab-a-ding-a-doo !!!!!

Headteacher’s Challenge #14

A lovely Thursday morning to you all.  I’ve had a great laugh reading through some of your jokes from Tuesday’s HT Challenge.  Here are some of the jokes pupils have been sending me …

Harry P2 – What do you call a bear with no teeth?  a gummy bear!

Lexie P4/5 – How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying? You rocket!

Sophie D P5/6 – Why did the scientist remove her doorbell?  She wanted to win the ‘no-bell’ prize!

Connor P2 – What do you call an exploding monkey?  a bab-boom!

Aren’t they brilliant?  Keep them coming if you have any favourites you’d like to share.

Tomorrow is an important day in Britain’s history as it’s VE – Victory in Europe – Day, celebrating 75 years and, as it’s a holiday, there will be no work posted by ECC staff though they have left lots of activity ideas for you to do over the next few days.

Today’s challenge is another singing one .  We sing this regularly at assembly at the school, all up on our feet, moving around and being VERY loud and expressive – so make sure you and your family put 100% effort into singing this today.  Remember each verse gets faster so you might need to practise a few times to get it right ..

I would love to see some photos/videos on your blogs of you and your family pulling all these funny faces and dance moves.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

Wednesday 6th May – Daily Task

In the Jack and the beanstalk story, Jack throws the bag of gold down from the top of the beanstalk and then he climbs down to the ground. Climbing is hard work so I thought that we could make Jack a parachute so that the next time he climbs up the beanstalk he has a quick and easy way to get back down to the ground.

What is a parachute?
A parachute is a device used to slow the movement of a person or object as it falls or moves through the air.

Introduce the force called gravity.
Gravity The force that pulls things to the ground, the heavier the item the quicker it will fall.

The parachute creates a resistance which slows the item/figure down for a safer landing.

What you will need…
Tissue paper/piece of material
Lego or small/light figure

• First encourage your child to use the scissors to cut a square out of the tissue paper/material.
• Cut 4 strands of string/ribbon, make sure they are the same length
• Cellotape one strand of string/ribbon to each corner of the paper/material
• Take the ends of the 4 pieces of string and tie them all to your figure

Test out your parachute, throw it up in the air or drop it from a safe height.

You could test out different materials or different shaped parachutes and see which one works best to safely bring Jack back down to the ground.  Discuss how the different materials feel. Reinforce language such as rough, bumpy, smooth, soft, hard or fuzzy.

You could also try cutting a small hole in the middle of the parachute will allow air to slowly pass through it this should help the parachute fall straighter.


Wednesday’s Challenge (a little early as I hear the post has arrived in Catrine)

Let’s quickly recap on our learning before this weeks challenge begins

So far we have,

So now, after all of that hard work and learning we believe you are ready for a NEW CHALLENGE.

Along with your report card you will have received a “Pocket Hug” from everyone here at Catrine ECC and 2 MAGIC BEANS!!!!

Your challenge now is to care for them with all of your skills and watch them grow. So that you can see all parts of the plant develop we suggest you use a clear jar, a plastic cup or a see through freezer bag and follow the steps in the video below

Be sure to place your jar where the sun will reach it and continue to water it.

If you choose to use a freezer bag tape it to a window ensuring the seeds are facing where you can easily see the changes as they happen.

Record what changes you see over the coming weeks. You could do this through discussion, photographs, drawings or maybe even using a diary style. However you choose to do so, don’t forget to send your learning in to us at

I wonder what YOUR magic beans will turn into ……….




Headteacher’s Challenge #13

Good morning to you all on this sunny Tuesday morning 🙂

I hope you’ve all received your ECC Report Card by now, and have enjoyed reading about your child’s achievements and learning during their time at Catrine ECC.  The wee surprises were lovely, weren’t they?  Thanks to Alana, Courtney and Janet for organising them.

Update on last week’s Food Tasting Challenge …

Beans – still a no-no from me, I’m afraid (yuck!) Coffee – another nope – couldn’t get past the smell.  Weetabix – I could maybe eat them for breakfast, occasionally, if there was absolutely nothing left in the cupboard.  I hope some of you found some new food items that you like.  I’ll try some different foods this week and let you know how I get on.

Today’s challenge – make today a ‘Tell A Joke Day’. 

Whilst helping my youngest son to clean out his room we discovered a Joke Book, and then spent the rest of the day telling each other corny jokes and making up our own puns.  So, Google ‘kids jokes’ and then share as many as you can with your family.

When Charlie was facetiming his papa later that day, he shared some of his jokes with him – it was great to hear them both laughing so much, and I’m going to use my dad’s joke to get you started on your Tell A Joke Challenge today.

Knock knock

Who’s there?


Disease who?

Disease wee troosers fit me?

Please share your jokes with us  as we love hearing what you’ve been getting up to.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x

Tuesday 5th May – Daily Task

Good morning boys and girls 🙂

Today, I have a super fun challenge for you all!
We are going to play hide and seek with our favourite teddy/toy!

Firstly adults, let’s role model for the kids to understand how this goes. Choose a large teddy/toy together to hide around the house/garden. Practice counting to 10 (if they are confident with their counting up to 10, practice counting backwards from 10)  and use positional language clues such as “teddy is under/next to/behind etc…” to help your child find it, and then switch roles! This is a great activity to build on their communication and language as well as their mathematical development!


Before you start, can you find my pink bunny pug? Clue: it is inside a bucket!

Monday 4th May – Daily Task

Good morning everyone 🙂

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend.

Here are a few fun activities to kick start your week.


I had a very special little person help to do a very important BIG job today.

Look out in the post for your 2019/20 Progress Reports from your keyworkers at Catrine ECC along with other little hidden extras (more instructions to follow).

(And yes, Halle DID have to ask EVERY child’s name, yes she DID have to relate EVERY name she knew to someone in her own nursery and yes she DID have to post literally EVERY single one individually 🤣)

♥Safe to say that was my hour out the house sorted for the day 🙂 🙂


Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely Friday 🙂 Today, we are going to be making our very homemade pizza’s! Don’t worry if you have not got pizza bases, unfortunately the Gilmour household could not get any so we used pitta breads as an alternate!

Let’s be creative and have some family fun! You can pick whatever you like to put on your pizza and make funny faces or as colourful and creative as you like. Why don’t you even help your adults prepare the food to go onto it by giving them a helping hand to grate or chop things.

I have attached a picture of the recipe if you need one and some pictures of when my family and I made some homemade pizzas on Wednesday.

Remember have fun and use this as a time to spend some quality family time together! Also, don’t forget to send in your master pieces to Alana so we can all see them to


Logan’s beans …….I wonder if they are magic like Jack’s????

Logan wanted to show everyone how his beans were developing.

He has definitely been making sure they get lots of sun, water and giving them plenty of time to grow. Great job Logan.


Logan turned a huge big 4, and everyone at Catrine ECC together with all of your friends would like to wish you a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂



Following on from your challenge yesterday about what plants need to grow, we wanted to tell you all about what parts of a plant are called.

Sit with an adult or an older brother or sister and ask them to read through the pictures below and then complete the task at the end.

Discuss what you have learned from the pictures and talk about the plants and flowers around your house – colour, shape, height, smell etc.

Now either using your beanstalk from yesterday or by drawing a new flower, can you copy the words from the diagram below, cut them out with the help of an adult and stick them beside the correct part of your plant?

Don’t forget to post in your work 🙂



10am – Superheroes

Printable Superhero Logo - Superhero Printables

You may have been clapping for our keyworker heroes every Thursday evening as all are working hard to keep us safe. However, I also think you have all been superheroes staying at home, keeping everyone safe and being good for your parents/carers.

Some superheroes have their own superhero logo and you should have one too. Why don’t you design your own? What will it be ? What colours, pictures or shapes will you use?

Printable Superhero Logo - Superhero Logos Printable 6 Mapiraj Superhero Logos Printable ...

I’d love to see what you have created. You can send me a picture of your logo to

Go Superheroes………Batgirl Clipart Flying Superhero Girl - Png Download (640x480), Png Download

Headteacher’s Challenge #12

Good morning and happy Thursday to you all.

There’s been a wee change in the weather this week – yesterday I had to put the heating on for a wee while as we were all frozen.  I much preferred last week when we were sunbathing in the garden … bring back the sunshine please!

My youngest son has always been a fussy eater, and we’ve had a breakthrough this week as he has discovered that he likes sausages!  He has been offered them loads of times but always insisted that he didn’t like them – even though he had never actually tried them. So, after giving them a go, he’s decided that they’re actually quite good!

So today’s challenge is a Food Tasting Challenge – I’d like you to try three things today that you’ve always thought you didn’t like the taste of and see if you’ve changed your mind.

The three things I’m going to try are – coffee, Weetabix and beans.  I’ll let you know how I get on in my next post on Tuesday …

Make sure to check with your family first about the three things that you’re going to try, and maybe even get them to identify  three food items to taste.  I look forward to hearing from you about the new tastes that you’ve discovered!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  I’m off to put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee – wish me luck!

Mrs Govans x

2pm Post

Here is an activity you can do indoors or outdoors.

Can you build a den ?


With your child use technology (iPad, phone or laptop) to research ideas for what their dens could look like and what they could us to build their den indoor or outdoors.

Encourage your child to collect different materials to build and decorate their den. Allow your child to experiment with lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling and rolling things to help develop their physical skills.

Support them to create their own structure, using whatever materials you have collected and encourage them to solve problems in order to build their den.

Building a den together is a great informal way of engaging a child in conversation. This helps to develop their ability to communicate, listen and take turns in conversation, express themselves and put their thoughts into words. If siblings would like to help build a den encourage them to communicate with each other and work together as a team.

Once your den is built encourage your child to independently use a form of technology to take a photo of their den or even a selfie inside your den. I can’t wait to see them!

There are lots of different activities you can do in your den, such as role play – your den can be whatever you want it to be, use your imagination to explore role play. You could also have a picnic in your den, read a book, have a nap or draw a lovely picture.

Enjoy and have fun!

Wednesday Is Challenge Day

It’s Challenge Day again …….. 🙂

Mrs Govans posted a beautiful video for her challenge to learn one of her favourite songs at spring time.

At this time of the year one of my favourite stories to tell is Jack and the Beanstalk.  It helps to teach the children all about simple germination and what living things need to grow.

Watch the story of Jack and the Beanstalk below.

Now, you have 3 jobs to do………..

Challenge # 1 – Can you draw or paint a picture of the beanstalk?

Challenge # 2 – What do you think the beans might have needed to grow?

And Challenge # 3 – If you climbed to the top of the beanstalk and found the bags of gold coins what would you buy with them?


Don’t forget to send in photos 🙂

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