Are you a Bucket Filler? – Health and well-being

We have been discussing how we could be a ‘bucket filler’, that makes someone feel happy and what things might make you a ‘bucket dipper’, that may make someone feel sad.   We have been looking at the story Fill a Bucket by Carol McCloud and have been sharing our ideas 😀

Below is a link to the story

Scotland Learns is a fantastic resource for both parents and practitioners.

The link below will take you to a large range of ideas, strategies and experiences that you and your child will love.

Supporting children and families during COVID-19 survey

Can you help us by answering a few short questions in the survey below?This should only take 5 minutes maximum and will help us to make improvements on our current practice.

Thank you.

Alana Speirs

Depute Manager


Suicide Prevention Week 7th – 13th September

How are you really? How many times have you heard someone say ‘I’m fine’?

One in four people in Scotland experience poor mental health every year. This means that at some point, you or someone you know will need to get help; whether that means talking to someone you trust, getting information online or going to your GP.

People may be afraid to ask for help so make sure to pay attention to the signs that someone might be suffering and let them know there is support available to help them through periods of distress or poor mental health.

Give yourself time for the conversation and don’t be afraid to ask them directly if they are having suicidal thoughts – remember Ask, Tell, Save a Life.

The Samaritans have some great resources on signs to look out for and active listening.

For more useful links to support yourself or someone you know click on the NHS link below here

Try some guided mindfulness techniques with organisations such as Calm or Headspace

Find out more about mindfulness techniques on our Healthy Working Lives YouTube channel

Difficulty sleeping? Sign up at Sleepio

Our Little Visitor Today 😃

We had a lovely little surprise today when Janet found this little creature wandering in the corridor.

We rescued him, put him into a box and enjoyed exploring what he may be on the promethean board.  We think he may be a common lizard 🤔. We took a walk in the afternoon and found a safe spot in a wooded area to release him.  He looked happy to be back outdoors 💕

Getting creative in Catrine ECC

The children in Group A this week have been so busy making wonderful creations using a variety of materials, their display is looking fantastic!

The children in group B have been painting super pictures of our worry monster and the tiger from the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’.  Their display is looking great too!

Well done everyone, hope you have an awesome weekend

East Ayrshire Speech and Language Therapy Online Drop Ins

Ayrshire Speech and Language are now providing online drop in sessions for anyone with any concerns regarding their child’s speech development alongside their helpline service available Monday 9:30am-11:30am and Thursday 2-4pm on 07980919654. To arrange a virtual drop in session, text 07812519298.

Catrine ECC is heading back to 1140hours :)

Over the past few weeks staff at Catrine ECC have been working extremely hard to get all necessary procedures in place to ensure our centre and practitioners are ready to welcome both Group A and Group B back full time starting next week.

Please read the attached letter for more information and start times.

Move from 600-1140hr Letter

We hope that this helps you as a family to begin to return to places of work, training and further education when they reopen. We also anticipate that the  continuity of attending everyday will help settle the children through continuing to build on relationships as well as becoming more familiar with daily ECC routines.

Next week will be another change in routine for both staff and children, therefore we ask for your continued support during these times while we evaluate each day in an effort to continuously make improvements until we feel we have it “just right”

Week beginning 17th August 2020

After a fantastic soft start approach last week we cannot wait to welcome everyone back for 2.5days this week.

Please see below for a reminder of group days and times.

GROUP A – Pink, Purple, Yellow

All day Monday 8.40am – 2.40pm

All day Tuesday

Wednesday AM 8.40am – 11.30am

GROUP B – Green, Blue, Orange

Wednesday PM – 11.50am – 2.40pm

All day Thursday 8.40am – 2.40pm

All day Friday


Please note that our MAIN DOOR will open at 12.15pm for anyone who wishes to collect their child after lunch. Staff may also advise shorter sessions for some children in order to help settle and support individuals, building up more gradually to a 6hour day.

If you plan on picking your up child at 12.15pm please ensure you let the ECC know in advance.

Welcome to our ECC

We are sooooooo excited !!!!!!

The staff at Catrine ECC worked super hard all day yesterday to get the rooms ready for your soft start week. We CANNOT wait to meet all of our new starts and welcome back our returners 🙂

Reminders for this week …….

  • Wednesday 12th – 2hour visits for all children new to the centre.
  • Thursday 13th – All Group B children 8.40am – 2.40pm (new starts 9.15am – 11.30am)
  • Friday 14th – All Group A children 8.40am – 2.40pm (new starts 9.15am – 11.30am)


  • Due to current guidelines we would like to remind parent/carers to adhere to social distancing markers during drop off/pick up times.
  • Please keep to just 1 parent/carer per child in the playground. Unfortunately we are unable to allow parents into our building at this time – Alana and Lesleyanne will be at our door each day to welcome the children in and take them into their keyworker groups.
  • We will be encouraging the children to wash their hands lots while in the ECC as well as following enhancing cleaning procedures around the establishment.
  • As always we will be encouraging lots of outdoor play so remember to bring wellies and appropriate clothing for our good old Scottish weather 🙂

Again, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your co-operation at this time.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.




Return to ECC – information for parents/carers

Please find attached a letter outlining the arrangements for the return/start of children to Catrine ECC, starting from Wednesday 12th August 2020.

It highlights our ‘soft start’ approach for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week, aiming for our ECC children joining us for 2 1/2 days per week from Monday 17th August.

I am aware that there is a lot of information to take in, as this start of a new term is different for us all, so please get in touch with either Alana or myself with any issues or concerns. We can’t wait to welcome our children into Catrine ECC – the whole staff is looking forward to hearing about their adventures!  Thanks, Mrs Govans

Catrine ECC letter 08.08.20

Start of new term update – 05.08.20

Information has been published on the Catrine PS Glow page today outlining the arrangements for our return to school, starting from Wednesday 12th August 2020.

Please note that this information is for our Primary School pupils only, at this time.  We are awaiting further government and EAC guidance before we can share our plans for our ECC.

Alana and I will let you know the details for our children returning to Catrine ECC as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during these unsettled times.

Thanks, Mrs Govans

It’s Summer!!

With the PS and ECC closing today at 1.00pm for the start of the summer holidays, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few thank yous …

Thanks to the staff in both establishments – ELCP practitioners, office staff, Classroom Assistants and teachers –  for their flexibility, enthusiasm and commitment in working together to get organised for our August return.  Our playrooms and classrooms are set up, resources are organised and timetables are done – no doubt there will be changes to be made over the summer and we will continue to update you via our ECC and PS blog and APP.

Special thanks to …

  • Helen Hall who has worked throughout this time at Auchinleck Academy kitchen whilst cleaning our PS
  • Janet Fleming for working weekly at the Auchinleck Hub along with her ECC committments
  • Stuart McCreath for his great help with the physical set-up of our classrooms and PS areas
  • Mrs McDicken, Kim and Deborah for their brilliant resource-ordering skills over the last few weeks to ensure that our establishments are well stocked and ready for our pupils to return
  • Alana, Depute Manager at Catrine ECC, and Mrs Schendel, Principal Teacher, for the hours spent on groupings, timetabling, staff rotas and planning
  • our PS Parent Council for their continued support
  • the parents/carers, family and friends of our pupils for your brilliant efforts at home learning during this time – you have organised some truly wonderful learning activities for your children and they have loved spending this time with you
  • and last, but by no means least, to the children of Catrine ECC and PS who have risen wonderfully to the challenge of home learning. They had to adapt so quickly to a whole new way of learning, away from their friends, teachers and ECC and school environment and we have missed them every day

At the end of any school year there are always goodbyes to be said too.

At the ECC we wish Marion well as she starts her new job, and at the PS we say goodbye to Miss Robb, Miss Robertson and Mr Speirs as they move onto the next stage of their education careers. I would like to thank them all for their professionalism and dedication to the children of Catrine – they have all been such important members of our staff teams.

Good luck to our Primary 7 pupils as they move onto secondary school – we had a brilliant visit with them and their parents yesterday in our playground and it was great to see them.  We have a ‘proper’ P7 Leavers Day still to come – details to follow …

Good luck to our ECC leavers – we look forward to welcoming our new P1 pupils into Catrine PS and I’m sure our pupils heading to other schools will settle in quickly too.

So I’ll sign off as usual, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x


Friday 26th June – Daily Task

Good morning everyone, I can’t believe we are on our last day and then it is our summer holidays!

I felt that today instead of doing a daily task I could provide you all with a summer checklist – you can use some of my ideas or make your own and do new things and challenge yourself!

All I ask is when you do some new, fun and exciting things if you can send them to my email so I can see all your summer adventures!-

Remember you do not need to do these, they are just ideas for you and your family for over the summer – you can do your own things too! Just remember to send them over to my email 🙂


I just want to wish you all the best over the summer holidays – good luck to our children going into primary 1. I am sure you will all love it! Also, to our returners, I cannot wait to see you all again in August to hear all of your fabulous stories! – Leoni x

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