Category Archives: Science

Day 9


Better than a chocolate egg!


I'm so excited.

Gently, gently.
Day 9 was the first time that we let the chicks spread their wings and have a flap around. The made loads of noise and one of the local Councillors Hugh Ross came to find out what all the commotion was about. The pupils completed their diaries and thought about the similarities between them growing up and their chickens.

 Callum Hazel said “They have all grown like us, no longer babies or toddlers but kids at school.”

Alix McAteer said “it’s been a great experience because I’ve never been this close to animals. I hope to get a pet when I’m 10.”

A proud Dad!
The smile says it all.

Day 8


The chicks returned to school on Monday and we were so happy to see them again.  We noticed that they had grown taller and were beginning to grow wing feathers. The are definitely much more active and chirpier now.

 Aimee S and Molly Simoes wrote:

We love the chickens because they are gorgeous and beautiful. We love having the chickens in class because we can feed them and hold them. We love watching them too.

Today the children got the opportunity to hold the chicks and they learned how to handle them with care.  We made a chicken run in the middle of the room so the chickens had space to run around more and stretch their wings.

Day 5

Last two chicks have been moved from incubator to brooder box. We have one big happy family now. Although we’ve still had regular opportunities to observe our fluffy friends we’ve given them time to relax and get to know each other. Having our chicks has inspired us to start preparing for next Friday’s Spring Fayre. We have had some fabulous ideas all on a chicken theme! Keep checking our blog to find out what eggciting things are going to be happening at …..CHICKEN WORLD!!!

Watching you, watching me, watching you....
Let's cuddle up!

The chicks are not being left in the school for the weekend as it ‘s important that they get fresh food ,water and clean sawdust every day, so they’re off on holiday to meet Mrs Kirkwood’s family( but not the cats!)

P1 Sorting in Science

 Primary 1 Science – SORTING

Both classes enjoyed their Science activities as part of their Birds and Beasties theme. The pupils worked together to sort objects looking for similar and different characteristics. The outcome listed below is the curriculum target within A Curriculum for Excellence:






















SCN 1-01a I can distinguish between living and non living things. I can sort things into groups and explain my decisions.

The pupils work towards Learning Outcomes these are the main ideas the teacher wants the pupils to demonstrate and learn from the lessons:

  1. Observe objects – colour, shape, size, material e.g. leaves, socks, shells, fruit, dinosaurs, minibeasts.
  2. Sort objects into groups that are the same.
  3. Say what is the same about objects in a group.
  4. Say what is the same about objects in a group.


The pupils continually try to expand and build on their Science Skills these are listed for sorting as:

  1. I can listen to instructions.
  2. I can answer in turn.
  3. I can work with a partner.
  4. I can observe objects.
  5. I can follow simple instructions.
  6. I can count groups of similar objects.
  7. I can record in a simple way.




Our Solar System – P6 & P5/6

This term Primary 6 and 5/6 have been studying our Solar System and Space exploration. To get them of to a flying start they visited the Science Centre where they investigated the experiments, watched an enthralling film about the Hubble Space Telescope and were given an insight into what is in our night sky.













The Challenge

The pupils were then set a Space Challenge as Enterprising Homework.  Along with an adult helper they had to design and make a Mars Rover…… all in 4 weeks.

These are just some of the wonderful rovers the children made.



















Experiment Day

The two classes had a day of space experiments to help them understand the difficulty of working in space. They wore work goggles, very thick gloves at most experiments while at a few they wore work coveralls as well as standing on swivel boards. Good fun was had by all and a much better understanding was gained of the problems faced by astronauts working in the vacuum of space

Move those Marbles                                           Building the Magnetic Star




Dash it, these gloves are too big!!!