Primary 5 excelled in Term 1 with their enterprising homework as part of their Science topic of Muscles and the Skeleton. The pupils were set a challenge to work cooperatively to generate a factual presentation to demonstrate their learning. The results ranged from; video presentations, which was the first we had had for enterprising homework and a very innovative approach, to posters, fact files and models. The pupils and their family learning helpers certainly put in huge amounts of effort and the end products were clearly and accurately used to demonstrate the intended Experiences and outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence.
By investigating some body systems and potential problems which they may develop, I can make informed decisions to help me to maintain my health and wellbeing.
SCN 2-12a
I have explored the structure and function of sensory organs to develop my understanding of body actions in response to outside conditions.
SCN 2-12b
Dylan’s pasta model was a very unique way of showing the hollow structure of bones and his visual aid showed clearly the sections making up the rib cage, the backbone vertebrae and arm and finger sections.
Robert, Christopher and Jack made a video presentation and proved themselves to be TV presenters of the future!