Category Archives: Class of 2007- 2008

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day was celebrated throughout the school with pupils writing their own masterpieces, talking & listening presenting sessions and activities for enjoyment; sharing real poets work and comparing different times of genre and style.

Science and Art Lillies.


Liliies for observation and dissection.

Primary 7 Science and Art came together in a series of lessons looking closely at lilies and labelling the parts of flowering plant involve in reproduction. The investigations and practical activities showed learning within their Science Experiences and Outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence.

Through carrying out practical activities and investigations, I can show how plants have benefited society.

SCN 2-02b

By investigating the life cycles of plants and animals, I can recognise the different stages of their development.

SCN 2-14a

By exploring the characteristics offspring inherit when living things reproduce, I can distinguish between inherited and non inherited characteristics. 

SCN 2-14b


Jack using plasticene to make a 3D diagram to show the reproductive parts of a flowering plant.

Amy, Abbey and Connie worked in a trip to label their model diagram.

Erin and Rachel in a collaborative pair.

Lauren and Connie try their hand at still life observational drawings.

Ayrshire Schools Cross Country

One of our first events as part of the School Sports Calendar was the Ayrshire Schools Cross Country fun run, although judging by the faces at the finish line it wasn’t much fun!

The pupils thought they were Mo Farrah but the rain and the mud soon took its toll and they looked exhausted but very impressed with themselves at the end.


Ryan enjoys his snack.                                              Rachel was washed out but not out!



John and Ross knackered at the end.                       Jordan in need of  a seat!

They certainly didn’t look as if they had just run over a mile.

Apart from the soggy clothes nothing seemed to dampen the boys spirits.

Kaporo Smallholder Farmers

The pupils in the school were very active in the school meals project ‘Mary’s Meals’ in previous years. At a recent Assembly we gave them an update about the East Ayrshire School Mbinda that came about as a direct result of the school meals project where every meal purchased in schools benefited the community in Malawi.

The school were approached by one of the local church represnetatives to ask if we would like a visit from some Malawian farmers who faces a lot of challenges compared to farmers in countries like our own.

Howard Msukwa and Susan Ntende visited Scotland all the way from Kaporo Smallholder Farmers Association in Malawi, to talk to the pupils in Kirkstyle. They described their farming life in producing rice which they currently sell through stalls at churches across Scotland.

The pupils learned about the demands of farming without machinery, using hand held tools in temperatures of 35-40 degree heat, in a climate that is unpredictable and irregular in its rain patterns.

We hope that this experience has allowed the pupils to consider Fair Trade items when shopping and appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into producing these items.

Sports Day

Kirkstyle amazing sports day.

It was a lovely day for sports. It was very funny a Primary 1 put her pigtails in her circle rubber ring and people where trying to get in there sack, but at least it turned out nice I loved it.

Emily Bradford

It was a perfect day for sports day. Some people cheated at the novelty race and the nursery race. There were selling juice, water and was a lot of fun a  little girl got stuck in her sack.

Tamzin Anderson

Yesterday it was our sports day my class did the balancing the ball race I came 2nd Amy Mortimer won. I also did the girls relay the yellows came 2nd I did the tunnel ball- guess where we came 2nd. I did the flat race I came 5th the top 4 get a sticker well doesn’t matter it least I came 2nd in 3!!!

Louise Cameron


The school are continuing to improve the school grounds and encourage pupils to bring Science to life. The Primary 1s have enjoyed an outing to the garden centre and are now busy planting their purchases to grow vegetables to eat.

The children have planted;

  • cress and sunflowers in pots to watch the life cycle
  • nastursiums in peat pots to enable pupils to see the pots decompose into the soil
  • peas, runner beans and broad beans in recycled washing tubs to watch the seedling sprout
  • lettuce, radishes, rhubarb and parsley as plants to harvest prior to the summer holidays
  • carrots, lettuces, beetroot, mustard and corriander from seed in our outside planters


Finally a variety of flowers in our tyres to add some colour after our late blooming daffodils have died away.

Lets hope the summer weather is kind to us and the children get a bumper crops.

The Primary 6, 6/7 and 7 pupils are undertaking their John Muir award and are looking ot enhance the grounds. After much debate ot was agreed that this is along term project and the first task had to be to clear existing bushes and plants that had grown old and woody.

This has not been an easy task and hard work has not escaped our pupils  – I think they appreciate that gardening is not a sitting down job!

Rainforest – Amazonia

Our Pr.6, Pr.6/7 and Pr.7 have been working on an interdisciplinary theme that incorporates Science and Health & Well Being. The theme is supported by our Health & Well Being Development Officer in East Ayrshire and the Scottish Crimne & Drug Enforcement Agency.

The project is based around a shared responsibility which is a Columbian Government initiative supported by many international partners. It focuses on making individuals think about the impace of drug misuse, drug demand and drug production, in paricular cocaine misuse.

It is a creative and innovative project, utilising the police, health officials, Choices for life online event and pupils opinions to try and generate an attitudinal and behavioural change in a fresh way giving pupils the tools they need to make the right choices.

At Kirkstyle we have welcomed the Police taking about drugs and the law, we have scheduled a visit from health officials and Kilmarnock Academy staff to look at emergency first aid and safety and pupils and staff from the Modern languages Department to introduce our pupils to a little Spanish, the official language of Columbia.

The pupils have also explored and investigated substance misuse through an educational programme and have learned about the impact of the environment caused directly by deforestation, as a result of cocaine production.


The project is designed to be shared across our Learning Community and in turn with parents at Kilmarnock Academy’s welcome met for our parents. (Scheduled for 4th June – Pr.6 & Pr.7 pupils’ parents) A display of the pupils work and also some of their Powerpoints of research work will be on show at Kilmanrock Academy.

As part of the project our pupils visited Amazonia and got the opportunity to have some hands on experiences and see the animals they have been studying.




The pupils across the school worked towards their painting targets set by their Class Teachers and practised new techniques and demonstrated their skills. The results were very professional and deserved to be exhibited for all to see.

Therefore we enlisted the help of an outside agency that specialised in art galleries to mount, frame and exhibit the pupils’ work at Parents’ Evening.

We hope you got the oppportunity to visit the gallery and we would like to thank you for your support with this project.

These pupils’ parents and carers decided to buy their art work to hang in their own galleries at home.

Miss Boyd's artists
Mrs Walls artists
Mrs Drennan's artists
Mrs Kirkwood's artists
Mrs Morrison's artists
Miss Finnigen's artists
Miss McDowall's artists
Mr Nutt's artists
Mrs Thom's artists
Mrs Milligan's artists
Mrs Ross's artists