Nursery playtime

The children enjoyed their first playtime in Kirkstyle. Our positive play leaders in Primary 6 came out for an extra play session to encourage our new starts to explore the space outside.

Evie & Caleb tried bats and balls


When do we learn our scooter skills?


Up, up and away!


Ciaran fancied a game of rounders


I'm listening for the colour red!

Nursery Circle Time

The first visit to school sometimes seems very daunting for our new Early Years children and their parents. However the children enjoyed themselves singing and playing games with some eager volunteers from Primary 6,  Miss Boyd and Mrs Walls.

Circle Time is a positive behaviour technique that is used throughout the school to promote relationships through turn taking, patience and tolerance.

Kaporo Smallholder Farmers

The pupils in the school were very active in the school meals project ‘Mary’s Meals’ in previous years. At a recent Assembly we gave them an update about the East Ayrshire School Mbinda that came about as a direct result of the school meals project where every meal purchased in schools benefited the community in Malawi.

The school were approached by one of the local church represnetatives to ask if we would like a visit from some Malawian farmers who faces a lot of challenges compared to farmers in countries like our own.

Howard Msukwa and Susan Ntende visited Scotland all the way from Kaporo Smallholder Farmers Association in Malawi, to talk to the pupils in Kirkstyle. They described their farming life in producing rice which they currently sell through stalls at churches across Scotland.

The pupils learned about the demands of farming without machinery, using hand held tools in temperatures of 35-40 degree heat, in a climate that is unpredictable and irregular in its rain patterns.

We hope that this experience has allowed the pupils to consider Fair Trade items when shopping and appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into producing these items.

Pr.1 – Growing garden

Tiana, Catlin and Brooke with their seedlings


The first harvest of the growing garden have been taken home to be enjoyed in salads around Kikrstyle. Primary 1 pupils grew their cress and mustard seeds in school until they were ready for eating – then they carefully carried them home.

Riley and Sam were keen to try theirs.
Iona, Dana and Arran held their prizes high.

Pr.4 – Electricity

As part of out electricity science topic this term Primary 4 worked in grouped to test differet circuits to see if they could light  the light bulb.  Cassie was surprised that another circuit worked to light the bulb.   

Kieran, Ellie, Jody and Sophie carefully recorded which of the circuits light up their light bulb and which did not so they could report their findings to the class.


Frankie & Benny’s – Pizza workshop

The children had a choice of different toppings for their pizza.  McKenzie, Robert, Keris and Aiden selected their favourite pizza toppings for their pizza.

It was hard work making our pizza’s but worth it! Ryan, David and Christopher thought their pizzas tasted delicious!

Kieran’s pizza design was selected by Miss McDowall and Mr Nutt as being the winning design.  Kieran’s pizza was in the shape of Kenya.  Kieran selected foods eaten in Kenya for his toppings and the colour of these foods also represent the Kenyan flag.

The range of different pizza designs to represent Kenya was fantastic! Here are some of the different designs.

The Seashore and Seaside with Primary 3

The children in Primary 3 have been studying the seashore zones and the creatures that are found there. They have also compared the seaside and what happens there and how it looks now to 100 years ago. They were excited to find lots of things that are the same but also the large number of differences.

The children participated in activities covering curricular areas of Science, Technology and Art related to our topic.

Designing and building activities found at the seaside.
Designing and building seaside activities
Cameron is checking the swings

Boat builders
Boat builders
          Making Jellyfish
Making jellyfish
Watch out it doesn't sting you Emma!
Watch out it doesn't sting you Emma!
Fun in the sand.
Fun in the sand
Pointillism Starfish
Research group
Research group
Enterprising homework
3D lighthouses

Inspired by the Bell Rock lighthouse

Well done children and their helpers

The Primary 3’s went on trip to Culzean where they did rock pool and beach art activities.

Fun in the sun
What have you found?
After lunch siesta

Then a week later it was off to visit the RNLI at Troon who were super but unfortunately the weather was anything but as the rain came down and the 3s got very wet.

Ooops that's a bit big for you Sarah
Radio operator Caitlin
Any more ???
This is what we wear when we go to save someone.
Hang on we will save you!