
The South West Educational Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC) is one of six Regional Improvement Collaboratives (RICs) across Scotland, and is made of four local authority areas: Dumfries and Galloway, and North, South and East Ayrshire. Alongside Education Scotland, we strive to facilitate collaborative working to secure excellence and equity in education.

Our SWEIC Delivery Plan for 2023-24 aligns the broadly similar priorities of all four local authorities, aligned to national agreements such as The Promise, and The Morgan Report, identifying our priorities for the coming year.

About Us

Regional Lead Officer & Strategic Lead Officers Group:
The Regional Lead Officer convenes and chairs a monthly meeting of the Strategic Lead Officers. The Strategic Lead Officers are the senior officers with responsibility for education in each of the four local authorities and the Education Scotland Senior Regional Advisor. The SWEIC Quality Improvement Manager attends these meetings and reports on progress.

Officers with lead responsibility for specific aspects of the SWEIC plan have formed workstreams with appropriate membership from all four local authorities as well as relevant staff from Education Scotland and other strategic partners. Each workstream is led by a quality improvement officer, seconded to progresses the activities as outlined in the delivery plan.

Involvement by other bodies and individuals:
The SWEIC Data Analyst supports collaborative approaches to improvement by providing and reporting on baseline performance data and analysis of data as required by the task groups.

Our Region

Geographically, the South West is a large and diverse area covering around 3,603 square miles, with a population of around 520,000 which is approximately 10% of Scotland’s population.

In addition to the main towns in each authority, there is a considerable rural area comprising smaller towns and villages which are served by a large number of smaller schools. The pupil population is just under 67,000 across 280 schools (229 primary, 41 secondary and 10 ASN schools) with a further 9,000 children in early learning centres.

View the regional map to visit the official website for each Local Authority

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