Our current strategic and seconded officers are as follows:

Linda McAuley-Griffiths – Strategic Lead for the South West Regional Improvement Collaborative

Simon Leitch – Quality Improvement Manager and East Ayrshire contact

George Webb – Quality Improvement Officer and Dumfries & Galloway contact. George leads on the Equity and Inclusion Delivery Plan

Pamela McCallum – Quality Improvement Officer and North Ayrshire contact. Pamela leads on the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Delivery Plan.

Gail Monaghan – Quality Improvement Officer and South Ayrshire contact. Gail leads on the Curriculum Innovation Delivery Plan

Gwyneth Fairbairn – Data Analyst (DG)

Additionally, Lesley Watson (DG) leads on @South-West Connects, with day to day management of our virtual learning hub conducted by our digital depute, Barry Wilson (NA).

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