Scottish schools to receive 20 micro:bits

  • April 22, 2022
  • 212

Every Primary school in Scotland will receive 20 V.2 micro:bits.  The roll out of these devices started in April 2022 by The Micro:Bit Education Foundation and alongside this there is free comprehensive teaching resources and professional learning for all educators.  Following this roll out in primary schools, every secondary school will also receive 20 V.2 micro:bits.

Professional Learning Offer

In collaboration with The Micro:bit Education Foundation we have created a new 3 part course, This is Micro:bit, which can be found on the webinars page of DigiLearnScot.

Live Code Along for learners from DigiLearnScot & the Micro:bit Educational Foundation. Learners will write code for their micro:bit that will support relaxation and mindful breathing.

DigiLearnComputingScience provides a comprehensive overview of the micro:bit V1 and V2 and you can also access our watch again webinar on Getting started with micro:bit.

The Micro:bit Education Foundation provides extensive access to learning resources, ideas, and support to help get practitioners and learners started using the devices or to move onto more complex projects using the micro:bit.  They will also be offering independent learning courses for educators in the coming weeks.

Barefoot have created lesson plans to support outdoor learning with the micro:bit for ages 7 – 11.

Join our national computing science glow teams community for ELC & primary educators here.

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