What’s New?

  • January 31, 2022
  • 188

It’s Languages Week Scotland! Monday – Thursday we have a series of professional learning inputs for practitioners across all settings. All sessions will be recorded and hosted on our SWEIC 1+2 Team. Find out more and access the events: use Team code 1dxv571 to join our Team. Alternatively, use the link below to view the timetable of events which includes direct links to use on the day.


Community Learning and Development

We have started to develop a new area of the Blog dedicated to CLD. Here you will find information about each Local Authority CLD plan and links to case studies from CLD Managers Scotland. As always, we would welcome and value your input to this area of the Blog. Please email gw18fugaccialaura@glow.sch.uk with any suggestions, information or resources for the area.

View CLD page

Scotland Learns

For all the latest national updates from Education Scotland, including dates for diary, what’s new and partner news, check out Scotland Learns.

View the latest issue

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