Football Practice in the Sunshine

Portpatrick and St. Joseph’s football teams enjoyed a practice session in the sun today. Our two coaches, John & John were on hand to offer tips, advice and guidance to our eager team players. Wishing our teams good luck at the Academy tomorrow. UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 15: Joining groups, Article 24 – Health SHANARRI – Healthly, Active, Included

Squirrel Conservation

Jo came back on Thursday to talk to the children about animals that are native to Scotland, in particular, the red squirrels. Jo put on a wonderful presentation that the children all enjoyed. Jo helps with animal conservation and explained the importance of this to the pupils. The children got to feel weighted toy red and grey squirrels to see the difference in the heaviness of each as, although they

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Street Dance

The children enjoyed another great dance club session with Envy Street Dance this week. Look at the fun that was had. UNCRC Rights of the Child: 31 Article Rest Play, Culture & Arts SHANARRI: Active & Included

Sphero Club – Draw

P5-7 got stuck in to our second session of our Spero robotics club today. This time the challenge was to design a route for the Sphero that the device would follow. We learned that we had to make sure each line in our 2D shapes joined otherwise the Sphero had a ‘dead zone’ instruction gap. The children experimented with coding the device to display different colours for each line. Ry’s

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Surprise Visit!

Today we had a visit from one of our past Primary 7 pupils – Jared! Everyone was super excited to see him and he held a Q&A session with the whole primary 5-7 class before having a good old catch up with the primary 7’s. Jared is doing very well at the academy and was ensuring the primary 7’s that they will do the same. The primary 7’s are getting

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Food Bank

On Monday, Kelly Whorlow from Apex came to the school to talk to the children about food banks, what they do and why they are important. We learned why food banks are needed, what type of products they supply and how important it is to donate when we can to help others in need. The children asked lots of good questions and were also able to identify how food banks

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Caledonian Cheese Poster Competition

Congratulations to Brooke and Ava W. who both won a ‘Safety in the Community’ poster design competition for World Safety Day (28th April). This competition was for all the Primary schools in the area. Brooke won the P6/7 category and Ava W. won the P4/5 category! Aylie from the Caledonian Cheese Company came to the school on Friday to present the girls with their certificates and prizes. The girls’ posters

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St. Joseph’s Football Team in Play

Well done to our great wee team of football players for playing their first matches at the inter-school 7-a-side matches on Friday. Team sports are such a positive experience for building meta-skills such as respect, cooperation and, of course, they’re great fun too! Thank you to Mr Hilftery as our team coach. There will be a replay again in a fortnight’s time. UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 15:

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Netball Returns for Term 4

This week saw the return of our ever-popular netball after-school club. The pupils made the most of the sunshine, getting outdoors to enjoy the team sport together. Thank you to Mrs Anderton and Donna for making this possible. UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 15-Setting Up & Joining Groups, Article 24 – Health, Water, Food & Environment SHANARRI – Active & Included

Street Dance!

Our fabulous parent council have kindly organised Envy Street Dance workshops with Jenny. Tonight was the first session which had a great turn out from the boys and girls who were very keen to take part. The children thoroughly enjoyed the active session. Have a look at their grooves ‘n’ moves! All children are welcome 🙂 UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article15 – Setting up & Joining Groups, Article

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