Outdoor Math

It was such a lovely day today, so we took our maths lesson outdoors.  The children are learning about patterns and to continue World Earth Day we went out to explore natural materials to make a pattern.  The children collected sticks, conkers and other objects. First, we measured the sticks sorting them into large and small. Karlton started a pattern for us all to continue.   His pattern was big stick,

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Instruction Writing

In writing lessons, we are learning to write instructions.  We have used a range of stimuli to develop ideas for writing, for example, talk, pictures and own experiences.  The children gave verbal instructions to a partner on how to wash hands.  This helped the children realise that if they leave a step out then it is difficult to follow.  The children used time connectives such as First, next, etc.  They

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World Earth Day 🌍

Today we celebrated World Earth Day and P5-7 kickstarted it with a Live session on Tech for Sustainable Transport. The children joined many other schools in discussing various forms of transport, how they affect the environment and the fuels used to power different vehicles. The session included many fun activities and encouraged the children to think of ways that transport could be made more sustainable and also be helpful to

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Outdoor Learning – World Earth Day

Last week we went out to explore our senses for our science lesson.  The children used their senses to detect information. We used our sight hearing, smell and touch to explore areas in our school grounds.  The children could talk about how our senses keep us safe.   “touch helps us know which plants are nettles.”  “This plant is spikey.” “This bark feels rough.” “I can hear the wind blowing the

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Sphero Robotics

We’ve kick-started off our Sphero robotic and coding activities for Primary 5 – 7 pupils. We borrowed IPads and Sphero Block devices from Portpatrick Primary. What is a Sphero, you ask? Well, Sphero robots have many different internal parts that make them work such as motors, LEDs, encoders, processors, a CPU and Bluetooth communication module for connecting to phones, and a gyroscope that keeps it oriented. A small, wheeled robot

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Game Design!

Last week Primary 5-7 took part in 3 sessions of game designing through coding with My World of Work. The children began by learning how computers work, how video games are made and about the surprising amount of careers available to them in the gaming industry. The children discussed how there should be no gender stereotying or barriers to girls choosing STEM careers. We talked about the importance of Metaskills

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Praise From Our M.S.P

We are pleased to receive this letter from Emma Harper, MSP for South Scotland. She is delighted with our work in celebrating our Scots Language. Have a read for yourself. Well done everyone! UNCRC Rights of the Child: Article 7 – Nationality Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education SHANARRI – Included

Litter Picking & Tepee making

What a lovely day for getting outside. First, P1-4 got busy litter picking in our school grounds.  The children found lots of rubbish! Jo from the Rhines Red Squirrel Network came to show us how to make a Tepee.  The children found out how to construct the tepee to grow climbing plants.  Jo encouraged the children to trim down branches, make them a similar size and then to bind the

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Beach Clean for World Water Day

Our enviromentally conscious pupils rolled up their sleeves to look after our coastal habitats today. We were marking the occassion of World Water Day and we were participating in The Litter League Spring Clean 2024 – Keep Scotland Beautiful campaign too. Our pupils happily marched down to Agnew Park beach and gave the area a good spring clean. There was lots of plastic to be found and the children had much discussion

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Writing to France!

During Term 3, P5-7 were very excited to be communicating with children in France through writing some letters…in French! We received some lovely letters from our French neighbours at the beginning of the year and have now responded to them in both French and English. Here are some of our children’s wonderful work. UNCRC 31 – Children have the right to take part in cultural activities SHANARRI – Achieving, Inclusive