Instruction Writing

In writing lessons, we are learning to write instructions.  We have used a range of stimuli to develop ideas for writing, for example, talk, pictures and own experiences. 

The children gave verbal instructions to a partner on how to wash hands.  This helped the children realise that if they leave a step out then it is difficult to follow.  The children used time connectives such as First, next, etc.  They are learning that imperative verbs are bossy verbs and are important when writing instructions. 

Today children made a jam sandwich before writing instructions.  They had lots of fun while learning. 

  • UNCRC 24 – rights to health, water, food and environment
  • UNCRC 31 – rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities.
  • SDG 3 – zero hunger
  • SDG – good health and well-being 
  • SHANARRI – Healthy, Achieving, Responsible.
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