Outdoor Math

It was such a lovely day today, so we took our maths lesson outdoors.  The children are learning about patterns and to continue World Earth Day we went out to explore natural materials to make a pattern.  The children collected sticks, conkers and other objects.

First, we measured the sticks sorting them into large and small. Karlton started a pattern for us all to continue.   His pattern was big stick, conker, little stick.  The children had turns each to add to the pattern.  The children supported each other and managed to complete the pattern.  The children enjoy learning outdoors and this enhances their knowledge of the skills they continue with in the classroom. 

We are looking forward to many more opportunities to outdoor learning. 

  • UNCRC 28 – Rights to Education
  • SDG 4- Quality Education
  • SDG 15 – Life on Land
  • SHANARRI – Achieving, Safe, Active
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