
On Wednesday we had Mrs Hall in from DG STEM to show P5-7 how to work Microbits. The children were introduced to a coding website and learned how to make patterns on the screen. They were then shown how to configure the microbits and how to download their pictures and messages onto them and the different things that the microbits can be used for.

The children learned how to make dice, games such as heads or tails and rock, paper, scissors and even a stop watch!

The children were highly engaged in this activity and are eager to use them again. We have plenty of them in the school so we can definitely fit this into our learning and teaching.

Later on some of the children were learning about the careers they could have within science and were matching the careers to the correct description – who knew there are that many types of jobs within science??

UNCRC 29 – Children have the right to fully develop their abilities

UNCRC 31 – Children have the right to take part in creative activities

SHANARRI – Achieve, Responsible, Included

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