All posts by Mr McClune

Our Weekly News – 13th December 2019

Reminders for the whole school:

Monday  –  P5, P5/6, P6 Christmas party (afternoon)

Tuesday  –  P7 Christmas party (6pm – 8pm)

Wednesday  –  P1, P2 and P2’s from P2/3 Christmas party (afternoon)

Thursday  –  P3’s from P2/3, P3/4 and P4 Christmas party (afternoon)

Friday  –  Church Service 10am


Primary 1

This week we have been learning social dances for our Christmas party. We enjoyed dancing with our partners and can’t wait for our party next week!

Duncan said, “I found them easy to learn.”

Ross said, “I liked dancing. I liked the circle dance.”

Aria said, “I liked turning under the ‘arch’ in the St. Bernard’s Waltz.”


Primary 2

 The boys and girls in P2 have been learning how to dance traditionally ceilidh dances (The St Bernard’s Waltz and the Circassian Circle).

The dances will be a part of the Christmas party.

 “You need to look at the partner you are dancing with,” said Mabel C.

Lydia said, “I keep in time with the music.”

“They’re ceilidh dances,” said Archie.

Holly said, “I like the Circassian Circle!”

It is our Christmas party next Wednesday from 2pm – 3pm. Please come to school in your party clothes.


Primary 2/3

In Drama we have been acting out conversations between Plop the Owl and his father. The conversations were really good and it helped with our reading skills for the script and expression in acting it out.

We also debated in 2 groups. Nocturnal vs Diurnal. We respected views of others and putting our views across kindly.

We visited the Museum to find out all about different kinds of birds. We found more than 70 types of birds at the Museum!

Noah – “It was great fun!”

Kamelia – “It was really interesting.”

Anna – “I found a golden Eagle!”


Primary 3/4

This week we have been learning more about Antarctica and Penguins.

“I didn’t know children were not allowed in Antarctica.” – Gavin

“I didn’t know people could live in such a cold place!” – Madison

“I didn’t realise penguins could live in warm and cold places.” – Rhys

Our class party is on Thursday. Please bring a change of clothes to change into at lunch time.


Primary 4

We’ve moved from sound waves to light waves. We have been learning about colour and experimenting with inks.

We’re enjoying the environmental themes in ‘The Iron Woman’.

“I felt scared when the men turn into fish in ’The Iron Woman’!” – Lachlan

“I like when we talk about the things we see in our minds.” – Sylvie


Primary 5

This week we wrote letters to the Grinch. We had fun telling him what we wanted for Christmas. We don’t think he’d be very pleased with our letters as he hates Christmas and all of the lights on our Christmas trees.

In P.E we have been learning about Scottish dancing. We have been doing dances such as the Dashing White Sergeant.

In maths we have been learning about negative numbers. Negative numbers are the numbers that are below zero.

Lucas said, “Writing to the Grinch was good as he might reply!”

Paige said, “I learned a lot from the dancing.”

“It is nice learning a new thing I can do in maths,” said Carla.


Primary 5/6

We have been learning about the proportions of self-portraits in art.

Our homework challenge for the week was to bake some form of bread, cake or biscuit from scratch, with an adult at home.

We have learned how to safely use a variety of tools, including saws and hammers.  We will soon be building houses for the Borrowers.

“This week we have been making tables out of wood and card board with hammers and nails.”- Ollie

“We all did a performance in the Church. There was lots of singing, snacks and stalls.”- Elle

Can all P5/6 please remember to bring a reusable water bottle for class use only.


Primary 6

This week we finished our class novel “Street Child” By Berlie Doherty. After finishing the book we all did accelerated reading tests on it. As a class so far we have read 10.6 million words!

After loving the book so much we decided to do an informal book review, Amazon style! First we looked at real examples on Amazon to see what they were like. From there, we then wrote our own opinions and rated the book out of 5.

In class we have been practising multiplication. Some groups have been working on all of their times tables up to 10 x 10. Others have been multiplying two digits by two digits.

Fraser said, “I learned how to use negative numbers when doing co-ordinates.”

Anelle said, “I enjoyed using Microsoft Sway and recording audio.”

Ayla said, “I learned how to write an Amazon book review with our class novel ‘Street Child’.”

Reminders for next week: Projects are due in on Monday. If you want to, you can bring in board games to play on Friday.


Primary 7

We used to experiment with coding for ‘Hour of Code’.

Dr Davidson from the Academy visited us to do some work about forces.

We coloured in a picture and then viewed it in an augmented reality app. It was amazing!

We investigated how chemical rockets work by carrying out experiments with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and with water and vitamin C tablets.

Evan – “It was fun to learn about chemical reactions and carbon dioxide.”

Carlie – “It was fun using the Van de Graaf machine giving Nico a shock.”

Tyler – “It was cool seeing my turtle picture come to life.”

Finlay – “I learned how to use repeat code to program a function of building a house.”

P7 Christmas party is on Tue 17th of December from 6pm-8pm in the school hall.


Wider Achievement

Congratulations to our wonderful dancers who travelled to Castle Douglas to take part in a Stewartry competition. Out of all the participants, the girls were awarded 1st place! Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved!

Our Weekly News – 6th December 2019

Reminders for the whole school:

  • On Tuesday evening we have our Christmas Celebration at the Parish church.  Further details are attached.

  • Christmas Lunch is on Wednesday.

  • On Friday, we have our Christmas Jumper day, in aid of Save the Children.


Primary 1

This week we have been making some tree decorations and we linked them to some 2D shaped triangles. We used different things to decorate them.

Patrick said, “I liked the glitter and pom poms.”

Anya said, “I liked the feathers and glitter. We made them triangle shapes.”


Primary 2

In science we have been exploring sound. We have used instruments to experience vibrations and pitch. Mabel H’s mum came to visit, talking about her job and explaining how a cello produces sound. We made instruments – a spin drum and jam jar lid guitar to explore and create pitch and vibrations by singing and plucking. It was great fun!

“You can use horse hair to pluck strings on a cello to make a sound.” – Mabel H

“If it’s a quiet sound it doesn’t travel far.” – Lydia

“When you pluck or strike, it vibrates and makes a sound.” – Demi

“The sound waves travel everywhere!” – Chris

Reminders for next week  – If you haven’t already done so, please send a scarf to school.



Primary 2/3

In class we have been decorating candle holders for selling at next week’s church presentation.

Also, we were making Christmas decorations while following the instructions. We were using A LOT of glitter and had so much fun!

Brooke – “I liked making the candles!”

KJ – “It was lots of fun using glitter.”

Anna – “I enjoyed collecting the jars.”

Primary 3/4

We have been learning about penguins and the Polar Regions. We have also been measuring different things around the school and down the street.

I enjoyed watching ‘The March of the Penguins documentary.” – Hannah

Maddison – “I enjoyed making a 3d Christmas wreath.”

Jack – “I didn’t realise that penguins and polar bears lived in different places.”


Primary 5

This week we made golden tickets from our class novel, “Charlie and the Chocolate factory”. The golden tickets are a ticket to get into Mr Wonka’s famous factory. We enjoyed making the tickets out of paper and then painting them with shiny gold paint.

We also decorated our class Christmas tree with wonderful bright coloured baubles. We enjoy looking at the twinkly lights hanging from the tree with tinsel around them.

As well as decorating the Christmas tree, we learned about the water cycle.

Molly said, “Making the Golden Tickets was fun.”

Gary said, “It was cool to learn how we have rain.”


Primary 5/6

We have started our learning of some popular Scottish Ceilidh dances, including the ‘Gay Gordon’s’.

Our current book study is ‘The Borrower’s’. We have been learning about the qualities of different materials as we will soon start our Borrower home construction.

We carried out some tower building, looking at structure and strength of materials.

“We all had a big smiles whilst we danced.” – Elle

“On Tuesday we described the qualities of materials” – Ollie

Reminders for next week  – Can all P5/6 pupils please make sure they have a water bottle in class.


Primary 6

This week we have been using Microsoft Sway. We have been creating a Sway all about what we have learned in P6. We are learning how to do new things including recording audio.

Every Friday, we go to the P2 classroom and look over their writing with them. We look through their checklist to find: capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, neat writing and to see if it makes sense.

Every day we all run or walk “The Daily Mile.”  We run or walk for fifteen minutes a day. Four laps of our playground is roughly a mile. We record our laps and transfer them to miles. So far we have travelled 1331.75 miles, which means we have reached Barcelona. Our target for the end of term is Morocco.

Anelle said, “This week I learned how to set out co-ordinates into four quadrants to make pictures.”

Stuart said, “I learned how to add backgrounds in Microsoft Sway.”

Murray said, “I learned how to use persuasive language in a letter.”


Primary 7

We investigated how Titanic sent distress signals. We created our own circuits and designed switches to send Morse code messages.

We investigated how the distress rocket from Titanic got so high in the sky. We designed and created our own rockets and tested them out. Sean, Yasin and Mahsun’s rocket went the highest. You can see videos of our experiments on our class Twitter feed (P7andMissG).

We visited the town library and learned about the Dewey book categorisation system.

Ruby – “I learned that the larger the force, the higher the rocket went.”

Sophie – “We used paper fasteners and card to make a switch and the touched our switch on and off to send an S.O.S signal.”

Freddie-“I learned about streamlining to make my rocket go higher.”

Reminders for next week  –  Chosen homework task due in class by Thursday 12th December.

Our Weekly News – 29th November 2019

Primary 1

We had great fun playing games in the afternoons. Tom’s mum came in to class to help with our learning. We played 4 games and these are some pictures of what we were playing.

Aiden McC said, “I love snakes and ladders because it’s my favourite game.”

Ross said, “I like playing all the games.”

Tom said, “I like playing 4 games in an hour.”

Reminders for next week  –  We are making tree decorations.


Primary 2

This week we have been learning to write a story and we discussed the features of writing a story: who? when? where? what happened?

We used different media to create and plan the story setting (where).

Finally, we annotated naming and describing words.

Billy said, “We drew and painted to make a magical forest.”

“We wrote what things were called,” said Chris,

Mabel C said, “We labelled feeling words and looking words!”

Demi said, “We described it!”

Reminders for next week  –  Please send in cardboard and other packaging, which is shaped like a cube, cuboid, cylinder or a cone. This will help P2 learn about 3D shapes.



Primary 2/3

This week we have been learning about changing the pitch of a sound using four jars. The sounds were high pitch and low pitch. We had loads of fun!

Also, we have been building ten more and ten less than a number within one hundred using blocks/cubes. We enjoyed this activity and it helped us with our writing work.

 We labelled items in Alphabetical order from A – Z and it was a good activity because it was active.

“I thought this was great fun!” – Noah

“I didn’t know we could do this.” – Emily

Primary 3/4
This week we have been finding out what rights are for children looking at posters. We also had fun joining in with the activity.
We have also been learning about how to work with money in maths.
In science, we learned about the water cycle and how it works.
In Art we have been doing penguin posters because it is getting much colder.
Ava: “I would like to do the penguin poster in art again, it was really fun.”
Bailey: “The money on the computer were very hard… the money games.”
Xena: “I would like to do the shop again, it was really fun.”
Reminders for next week – We will be delivering your letters to Santa.



Primary 4

We have been mixing art and maths using new measuring skills (angles and length) to make a variety of 2D and 3D crafts.

We’re focusing on direct speech in language. We have been looking out for it in the books we read and trying to use it in our own writing.

“We’ve been measuring length, breadth and height to make iron men!” –  Sunny

“I’m enjoying learning the tin whistle.” – Maya


Primary 5

This week we took a school trip to the Cocco Bean Chocolate factory. We learned how chocolate is made and had fun mixing the chocolate and decorating with sweets.

With the topic theme of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl, we decorated stones with pictures from the book. Some of them had characters from the book and others had pictures of the amazing chocolate factory! After we finished decorating our stones, we went outside and hid them in the playground.

Jessica said, “The Cocoa Bean was really fun.”

Noah said, “The Cocoa Bean was good fun.”

Lucas said, “I enjoyed decorating the stones.”


Primary 5/6

This week we have been learning about homophones, specifically, “their, there and they’re”. We have also been learning how to write persuasively. We have now completed our letters to Mr Stevens, trying to persuade him to allow us to have either a class pet, no more homework, or no uniform.

Aiden – “We were writing a letter to Mr Stevens about getting a class pet or no homework.”

Elle – “We were learning about homophones and they were “their, there and they’re. They were quite fun but confusing.”


Primary 6

This week we have learning how to write a play. The subject of them was:  A Victorian Classroom. We enjoyed writing them and you never know, maybe one day we’ll perform in the West End!

We have also been learning how to use Microsoft Sway which is an app where you can make a presentation or newsletter. We each made a presentation about who we are and learned how to use this incredible app.

We designed posters for the EIS’s poster competition. They had the theme “Refugees” where we encouraged them to come to D&G. Our final result was lots of beautiful colourful posters.

Fraser said, “I enjoyed learning how to use Microsoft Sway!”

Ewan said, “I learned how to mentally multiply by 25, 50 and 75.”

Hazel said, “I learned how to set out a script correctly.”

Reminders for next week  –  our projects are due in on the 12th December so only two weeks to go!!!



Primary 7

We worked collaboratively to create a map of the Titanic’s journey to scale.

We used press printing technique to create a picture of the Titanic sinking (we have attached a picture of it).

We held our sharing the learning assembly about the Titanic.

Lily – “I worked collaboratively to produce my map.”

Oliva – “Drawing the map was difficult because we had to make sure the scale was correct.”

Justin – “I was excited to make ice-cream during assembly.”

Reminders for next week  –  Movie night is in the hall on Thursday 5th December.


School News

Letters have been sent home today about the Christmas Movie Night on Thursday 5th December and our Christmas Celebration on Tuesday 10th December. Please check bags for information.

P7 would like to ask for donations of any old jigsaws to be sent into the office. They would help the class to make Christmas decorations. Any help would be really appreciated!

Our Weekly News – 22nd November 2019

As we are still developing our website and Facebook page, there are only 3 classes work displayed. As the weeks go on, more classes will be sharing their learning so look out for more updates from the school.


Primary 5/6

We have started reading ‘The Borrowers’. This is our new class novel study.

This week we have been learning about the design process through our Christmas tree decoration challenge. We have added some pictures (below) of some of our class giving feedback on some of our initial ideas. We had to use constructive and positive language.

“I think ‘The Borrowers’ is decent so far.”  –  Aiden

“It’s nice to read an old book and a perfectly chosen story.”  –  Ralph

Can all pupils please remember to bring PE kit on Monday and Wednesday.


Primary 6

Primary 6 have been learning about homophones in language work. We identified examples of homophones and are able to tell you that they are words which sound the same but have different spellings (with very different meanings). Examples are: pear (fruit) and pair (two). Also, there is flour (used for baking) and flower (the plant). Can you think of any more? Please add your examples in the comment section.

In maths set, Mr McClune’s group have been looking at data and gathering information. As part of this, we constructed a Form in Microsoft and added all questions to it. We asked everyone in P5/6, P6 and P7 to take part and had over 70 responses! From this, we will now look at the data and produce graphs and charts.


Joseph –  “I enjoyed the rock, paper, scissors game in PE and encouraging my team.”

Jessica– “I learned how to work with percentages and fractions.”

Alex– “I enjoyed learning about homophones and like the different examples.”


Primary 7

We have investigated how Titanic moved by designing and creating our own boats with propellers. We recorded our results and evaluated and modified our designs.

We investigated how icebergs float in water and how different types of water affect how an iceberg melts.

We made ice cream and slushy drinks using ice and salt. We found out that salt lowers the temperature of ice.


Yasin said, “I learned that salt cools ice as it actually disrupts the ice crystals and causes it to produce energy.”

Tyler said, “I learned that most of the iceberg is under the water when it floats.”

Ruby said, “I learned that salt makes the temperature of ice go down.”

On Tuesday we have parents appointments from 4pm to 7pm and on Wednesday from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.

We have our class assembly next Friday (29th) at 2pm. We hope to see you all there.


Wider Achievement

Congratulations to all these karate experts who achieved their new belts!

Well done to all who took part in last night’s Youth Speaks Rotary competition. Children took part in this cluster wide event and presented talks about a subject of their choosing. 1st and 3rd place came from our school! A great effort from all involved.


  • Pupils will be coming home with appointment times for next week’s Target Setting meetings. Please be sure to check bags for the slips. We look forward to welcoming you next week.

  • P2/3 are collecting the little glass GU pudding pots for a Christmas craft venture. If you have any that you don’t want, please send them into school. P2/3 will be very happy!

Our Weekly News – 15th November 2019

As we are still developing our website and Facebook page, there are only 3 classes work displayed. As the weeks go on, more classes will be sharing their learning so look out for more updates from the school.


Primary 5/6

This week we have been learning about the design process. The 3 steps we looked at were: 1 – Initial ideas, 2 – Development, 3 – Final solution (product).

By using these steps we have been able to create Christmas tree decorations for the church festival.

We have also been learning about persuasive writing and have planned letters for Mr Stevens. We hope to share some of these with you soon.

“We have been practicing ’12 Days of Christmas’ for the Christmas Carol service.”  –  Tanya

“We have been learning about stamina in PE through basketball.”  –  Emily


Primary 6

This week we have been taking part in a Dumfries and Galloway Sumdog competition. This involved 112 classes and over 1,530 pupils. We were delighted as we WON!!!. We finished top after a week of maths questions. Not only that but we had one of our class finish in the top 10 student leaderboard, what a great achievement!

To mark Children in Need day, we took part in a fun online quiz and put our knowledge to the test. Here are our winners after some very tricky rounds and questions, ‘The 4 Quizzoteers’.

In maths we have been working on percentages and their equivalents, such as 25% = ¼ = 0.25. Please test our knowledge at home and see how well we can transfer between decimals, percentages and fractions.

Hazel  –  “I enjoyed learning about Louis Pasteur from the Victorian Era.”

Lucas – “I learned how Joseph Lister helped prevent infection in operations.”

Gracie – “I learned that workhouses were horrible and you had to do lots of work.”


Primary 7

This week we had a visit from Ella McLellan from Scottish Book Trust. We are thinking of an idea we can work on for our First Minister’s Reading Challenge. For more information about this challenge, why not have a search online where you will find lots of ideas.

We learned how to use Microsoft Teams through our Glow login. This is an app which lets us work together and communicate with each other.

We investigated how the heavy equipment used to build the Titanic was lifted by using pulleys and force meters.


Leo said, “I enjoyed investigating with pulleys.”

Eden said, “It was fun getting the chance to talk about what types of books we like reading and where we like to read.”