Each week we will endeavour to share something from each class but this may not always be the case. For further details and information about our school, please head over to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KBTPrimary/
The boys and girls in P1F have been busy learning about letters-sounds and shapes. They have enjoyed lots of multi–sensory activities to help them learn. The class has also been practising reading simple words by sounding out the letter sounds and blending them together.
This week we have been busy practising our sounds and making things starting with ‘e’ and ‘h’.
We also found out that making something helps us to remember the sounds. We used scissors, followed instructions, as well as working with others to share materials. This week we have made astonishing elephants and designed lovely hats.
“Making my elephant helped me remember the ‘e’ sound.’’ – Archie
“I liked decorating my hat with glitter.’’ – Olivia
‘’I liked picking different materials to stick on my hat.’’ – Aria
As part of their maths topic about shapes, Primary 2 have been looking around our school for different 3D shapes in the environment. They have enjoyed using polydron to make 3D shapes and finding out how many faces they each have.
“I’ve made a cube, it’s like a dice!” – Ellie
“Mine is a cuboid, it looks like a pet carrier.” – Aylah
“I’m trying to make a football – it’s hexagons and pentagons!” – Jack
In P2/3 we made a description bubble about a classmate.
We spent Friday morning in our houses making lanterns
We have been singing about conkers!
“I loved making the lanterns, I thought it was really nice.” – Heather
“I would really like another house day very soon.” – Lucy
This week, we have been learning about climate change and created solution trees. Fiona and Ethan were teachers for the class on climate change.
Albie said, “I really enjoyed learning about the trees giving out oxygen and sucking in carbon dioxide.”
We have also been making lanterns and Molly said, “I really loved making the lanterns because we got to use the different colours.”
We have been building and developing our non-chronological report writing skills using connectives and paragraphs.
In maths, we have been developing our number knowledge using strategies like partitioning and bridging for subtraction.
We have been finishing our learning of angles by creating triangle art and investigating the properties of 2D and 3D shape.
The P4’s have started swimming lessons. This will help to develop and build confidence in and around water.
In topic, we have been comparing the different artistic styles between Hornel and Oppenheimer and creating our own landscape art.
All P4’s swimming Monday to Thursday. Remember to bring your goggles and a towel. Come to school wearing your swimming clothes under your uniform.
For Maths Week Scotland, P5 have been having fun playing maths games outdoors. They tried out a game called Tapatan, which is a lot like noughts and crosses, except you can move your opponent’s objects (fur cones and bark).
P5 have also explored symmetry and painted symmetrical pictures with some lovely colourful oak leaves.
“I thought it was really fun to play Tapatan.” – Hannah
“I found it very peaceful when I was leaf printing.” – Alba
“It was fun fiddling with nature outside with maths.” – Isis
Remember to come in your P.E kit on Monday and bring your P.E kit to school on Thursday please.
This week, we have been taking part in the Active Schools Athletics Challenges. This has involved testing our running, jumping and throwing skills and we keep trying to improve our scores.
“It’s challenging and fun,” said Hari.
We have been learning the alphabet and how to sign our names in sign language because it’s a valuable skill. Molly said, “It was good fun and I managed to sign my name.” Next time we sign we will be learning basic things like greetings and feelings.
On Wednesday, we were lantern making with P7 for the Festival of Light. They were made out of wicker, masking tape, strong tissue paper and lots of a messy mix of glue and water which went all over us! “I thought that working with the P7’s was really fun and we got lots of laughs out of it.” – Maya.
On Monday we were doing report writing about Kirkcudbright. We had to choose three categories to write about, for example, leisure, history and jobs. “It was really fun because we got to write it in our own words.”- Seumas
Remember your PE kit on a Monday and Wednesday.
Make sure to bring your project in for Monday.
Check out our Twitter page ‘@P67andMrMcClune’ for daily updates.
We have made willow lanterns for the Festival of Light with P6/7 on Wednesday.
As part of Maths Week Scotland, we created curves of pursuit art work. We learned about maths in baking too.
We learned more about COP26 with Glasgow Science Centre Live!
“I worked to help my partner and he helped me when we were building our lanterns.” – Ksawier “It was really cool how you can turn straight edge shapes into curved art.” – Grace
“It was clever how the curves appeared in our art.” – Amy
Homework project is due on Tuesday the 6th of October.
Have a go at the numeracy trail which starts at the tourist information centre in the Harbour Square. It is running until the 3rd of October.