There was an excellent turn out from our cluster primary schools at this year’s annual Primary 7 Rotary Quiz.
Teams of four from each school competed to be this year’s champions. There were a number of categories such as:
- Geography
- Technology
- Entertainment
- Nature
The questions were very entertaining and wide ranging. A good few of them challenged the grown-ups in the audience too.
The winners were as follows:
- Rephad
- Sandhead
- Kirkcolm
Congratulations to Noah, Jack, James and Olivia!
Our partnership pupils enjoyed the social mingle. There was a great team spirit and a lively atmosphere . Well done to all the keen beans who took part. Thank you to the Rotary Club for organising the event and funding the refreshments and prizes. Thank you also to Rephad for hosting the event. A good time was had by all.
- Kirkcolm
- Leswalt
- Portpatrick & Leswalt
- Inter-school teamwork
- A wee catch up
- Prize Giving
- Kirkcolm – 3rd Place Winners
# Effective Contributors
UNCRC Rights of the Child