Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

World Book Day


Wednesday the 3rd of March was finally World Book Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the joy of reading and getting stuck in and lost in a good book! 

Here at Kirkcolm, both classes had their own wee way of celebrating this day and promoting the joy of reading with the pupils! 

P1-4 read ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ with Miss Douglas and Miss Irving and then, just to make it even more magical, they went on a bar scavenger hunt outside trying to find all the hiding bears in the playground! After this burst of energy, it seemed only fitting that they went on to have a teddy’s bears picnic in the class with lots of treats! 

P4-7 went for a more cosy celebration! Pupils were told to bring in something they could snuggle up with, be it a blanket or a pillow and then the hot chocolate, biscuits, cookies and (decaffeinated!) tea was brought to them. Their only goal was to sit down and really enjoy whatever book they were reading at home or at school. We also read a lovely story called The Dam together and this gave everyone an opportunity to meet their accelerated reading test goal if they hadn’t already! 

Finally, last thing in the day the 2 classes joined forces for some paired reading and enjoying a good story together.

Overall a very successful day as they all toddled home with their tokens for £1 off a book! We are excited to see what they choose!

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