Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

The End of Year Award Ceremony!


As we wave this school year goodbye, we have our final hurrah – the end of year award ceremony!

This is our opportunity to celebrate the pupils achievements throughout the year and give them the recognition they deserve. While not every pupil may walk away with a certificate on this day, all the pupils of this school have worked incredibly hard. They have made the best of a bad situation dealing with the hardships that have fallen upon them this school year and proved themselves time and time again to be resilient, tough and kind. 

The year prizes go as follow; 

The Award for 100% Attendance – Cameron Clarke in P1! 

We gave out the awards for the Accelerated Reading Star Readers in each year group;

P2 – Sophie McColm 

P3 – Phoebe Manson 

P4 – Danny Dougan 

P5 – OLivia Johnstone 

P6 – Olivia Turtle 

P7 – Zack Ashton 

Responsible Citizen Trophies were awarded to pupils who proved themselves to be responsible and reliable in class 

P1 – Callum Dougan 

P2 – Lyle McCulloch 

P3 – Ivan Turtle 

P4 – Sally Drummond 

P5 – James Turtle 

P6 – Alexander MacPherson 

P7 – Ruth Turtle 

We gave out WH Smith giftcards for the pupils who managed to complete their GOLD Star Awards! This was achieved by Callum Dougan, Rebecca Manson, Phoebe Manson, Arran Farquhar, Ivan Turtle, Danny Dougan & Calder Farquhar 

Mini Walk Medals were given out to the 27 pupils who took part on that day! 

These were Emilie, Cameron, Callum, Jessica, Rebecca, Arran, Lyle, Phoebe, Ivan, Lydia, Danny, Sally, Jack, Olivia J, James, Miley, Oliver, Luke, Emma, Calder, George, Alexander, Olivia T, Daniel, Zack, Arla, Ruth

The Mini Walk Shields had been engraved and awarded to George Keith and Ruth Turtle for coming first in the mini walk and the runners up in Olivia Turtle and Danny Dougan were also given certificates for their efforts! 

Then we had the Sports Day Champions! These are the pupils who raked up the most points in their respected age group in the sports day races! 

P1 – Paige Neill

P2- Lyle McCulloch

P3 – Ivan Turtle 

P4 – Sally Drummond 

P5 – James Turtle 

P6 – Miley Adams 

P7 – Arla McCulloch & Daniel Hall 

Certificates were awards to the pupils who managed to pass all of their Rainbow Spelling… Well done to Alexander MacPherson, James Turtle & Ivan Turtle

…and Rainbow Tables! Well done Emma Drummond, Ivan Turtle, Calder Farquhar and James Turtle 

The Literacy Awards were given to pupils who had shown great achievements and progress in their Literacy work… This was Havana Diyani in P1-4 and Olivia Johnstone in P4-7 

The Numeracy award for great achievement and progress in Numeracy over the past year… This was awarded to Lydia Adams for P1-4 and Luke Butler for P4-7…

The Health and Wellbeing Award was given to pupils who displayed all aspects of Health and Wellbeing to a high standard! This was given to Sophie McColm in P1-4 and Olivia Turtle in P4-7. 

Finally, the REACH Award celebrating achievements with our School Ethos! This was awarded to Phoebe Manson in P1-4 and Miley Adams in P4-7 for all their hard work during remote learning. 

The final thing left to do was say out goodbyes to our P7’s – Arla, Daniel, Ruth and Zack are going to be leaving us for the Academy so we saw them out as we saw fit, with some lovely leavers hoodies and a year book to remind them of their time here at Kirkcolm Primary so they remember us! Some heartfelt speeches were made, perhaps some tears shed, perhaps some held back!? 


Finally, we ended the day with a Photostory so we could all have a good giggle at their transformation from wee baby P1 pupils to big bad P7’s ready for the next steps! (I kid, not a bad bone in any of their bodies!) 

With that, we wish our P7 leavers the best of luck and all of you a great summer holidays! Can’t wait to see you back in August, refreshed and recharged and (Hopefully!) with a nice, normal year ahead of us… 


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