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Term 1 in P3

It has been such a busy term in Primary 3!  Here are some of the things we have been doing…


We have been reading ‘The Enchanted Wood’ as a class, it’s great! – Fraser

We made our own slippery slips using things from the loose parts shed – Jack H

We have been learning how to write descriptions.


In Maths, we have been counting and rounding in 10’s – Lauryn

In Maths, we have been working with Hundreds, Tens and Units – Jack G

We have been doing challenges on Sumdog – Janayah


In P.E we have been learning how to pass in Hockey – Jessica

We have been learning how to keep control of the ball in basketball – Lawrence



We have been learning the days of the week and months of the year in French – Lawrence

We have been learning to count to 31 in French – Harrison


In Art, we have been mixing colours that are next to each other on the colour chart.  We used chalk pastels to make a leaf picture – Arthur

In Art, we have been learning about the primary and secondary colours – Armaan


We have been learning about body parts – Lucy

We have been learning about the Skeleton.  Your skull protects your brain – Danny

We have been learning about the heart.  Your heart has 2 sides – Armaan

Your ribs protects your lungs and heart – Pippa

Your heart is a muscle – Oscar

The heart pumps blood around the body – Harleigh

The heart delivers good things around your body – Armaan






Getting Started in Primary 4!

In Primary 4 we created our own flying bugs. We wrote about things we were good at and things we are aiming to achieve.

We introduced ourselves in a letter to our new teacher and filled our heads with pictures about us!

We thought about what our strengths were.


On a Thursday afternoon we do STEM activities.

We did science and looked at CHROMATOGRAPHY!

We did maths and looked at Grid References.

We built models with the KAPLA!

We designed boats with the MakeDo!