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P1R Celebrate Chinese New Year

P1R have been learning a little bit about Chinese New Year.

We read the story behind why Chinese New Year is celebrated and how the Chinese calendar came to be.

We practised our ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) whilst retelling the story.

We learnt that this year is the year of the tiger 🐯. Most of us in P1R are born in the year of the monkey 🐒 but two of us were born in the year of the goat 🐐!

We had a go at drawing some fantastic Chinese Dragons 🐲…

We also had a go at a Chinese Dragon dance…

STEM in Primary 7

We have been exploring different aspects of STEM in class and having lots of fun while doing this!

Manufacturing lots of exciting creations using Kapla bricks.

Exploring TinkerCad to create 3d models

Using problem solving skills with LEGO

Capturing and editing photos using Kidizoom cameras

Also, recreating the school badge!

We had a great time exploring our STEM interests!

Term 3 in Primary 2!

We have been busy learning lots of new things in Primary 2 this term.

We have done lots of work in Literacy and are enjoying reading lots of new stories.

We like reading different books by ourselves and sharing stories with a partner.

We are getting better at our spelling and practise spelling our tricky words in lots of different ways.

We are also learning about new sounds and like to learn new words with these sounds in them.

We have been learning lots of new skills when we are reading and we like asking our friends questions about what we are reading. We are also learning to predict what we think will happen and summarise what has happened in the story.

This term we have been learning about the famous Scots poet, Robert Burns. We enjoyed drawing a silhouette portrait of Robert Burns and learned how to draw a tartan pattern.

We have also been learning about symmetry this term and drew pictures with a line of symmetry. We then went outside to look for symmetry all around us. We are also learning to find missing numbers up to 100.


We are learning about healthy foods and can sort different foods. We enjoyed going shopping to buy healthy foods!

In skills academy we have been learning all about design and creativity. We have made very special cushions where we had to draw the template and cut it out very carefully!


We had lots of fun making Valentines Cards to send to someone special!

Term 3 in Primary 4!

Term 3 in Primary 4 has got off to a very busy start.

We have been working on developing our writing skills and focussed on writing instructions. One of the pieces of writing we completed was How To Take Care of a Penguin. We then added some art work to support our writing.

We have now moved on to persuasive writing and one of the pieces of writing involved us designing our own super gadget. We had to think about the different features of our gadget and then complete a piece of writing persuading people to buy our gadget. Our writing had to include facts and opinions.

In maths we are continuing to learn our times tables and the division facts of these tables. We are also working on time and area. We went outside to calculate the area of different objects we can find in nature.

This term we have been learning about Robert Burns. We have learnt about his life and some of the poems and songs he wrote. We wrote out part of My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose and then made a picture with red roses. We have looked at different Scots words and created a pop art picture with these. We also learnt how to draw and paint tartan patterns.

We also finished some work on looking at festivals from other world religions.

In P.E we have been working on our tennis skills and trying to improve our stamina when running the daily mile.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been looking at the positive qualities we all possess and shared the positive qualities which our classmates have.

We are very lucky this term that Feis Rois are coming into the school to teach us about Scottish music and we have been playing instruments and learning some Scots songs.

In Skills Academy we have been working on food and nutrition and have been thinking about how to create a healthy balance diet.

Tuesday 8th February was Internet Safety Day and we learnt about how to stay safe when using the internet. Our Digital Leaders, Will and Abigail talked to use about how we should behave when we are online.

It has been a really busy term so far and we’re only half way through!

Term 3 in Primary 3!

“In French, we have been learning how to talk about homes.”  -Arthur

“We have been playing ‘Oui est Wally?’ in French.” – Emily










“In Maths, we have been learning how to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks.” – Janayah

“In Maths, we have been learning how to add and take-away.” – Pippa

“We have been learning how to do chimney sums.” – Poppy

“In Art, we made winter paintings of the moon using white and blue paint.  We added houses and trees in black.” – Lauryn

“We have been learning all about Robert Burns.  He had 12 children.  He was famous for writing poems and songs.” – Summer

“In P.E, we have been working on our fitness by doing circuits.” – Abi

“We’ve been learning about Internet Safety.  You don’t talk to strangers online.” – Harrison

“If someone you don’t know tries to add you on a game, you reject them.” – Hali

“We are looking forward to learning how to play golf with James.” – Janayah

“We have been been practicing our spelling by using chalk outside, letter tiles, playing spelling games on the computer and using our new spelling mats.” – Jack G