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Welcome to P7R

Welcome to P7R!

We have had a very busy start to the term, learning lots of new things and getting to know each other.

We started off the term focusing on developing our Meta-Skills.  The first activity was making bridges using only spaghetti and mini marshmallows. We developed our curiosity by exploring different designs and features, sense making by thinking about where it would be sensible to place the marshmallows and how to strategically place the spaghetti, creativity by exploring the various designs they could use and create a bridge that stands out from everyone else and critical thinking in order to transfer the design into the real thing. They also had to  collaborate and communicate to ensure they were working as a team and everyone had a chance to express their views.

We started learning about Food Chains and microorganisms and as part of this we went outside on a scavenger hunt to find producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and decomposers in the school grounds. We then made food chains from our findings. We played food chain tig and then created a food web which showed how many food chains are interlinked and found out that if one part of the food chain became endangered, it would have a detrimental effect on the other animals in the food web.

To make the most of the lovely weather, we took our learning of Fractions outside and found fractions of leaves and sticks. We used our previous knowledge of mixed fractions and improper fractions to do this.

It was lovely seeing so many family members at the open afternoon. Everyone enjoyed making stone families together.

Food Chains

We have been learning about food chains. We went on a hunt for different animals which are part of a food chain. We worked with a partner to identify producers and consumers. We also played food chain tig where we had to find animals that would eat us. We created a food web using string to show how all the food chains are connected. We used our adapting, curiosity and focussing skills.  It was exciting and challenging.

Lego Spike

We made different models using lego spike. We had to choose a build and then use the iPads to create coding sequences in order for our model to move. We used leadership, communication and collaborating skills. It was really exciting.