Getting Started in Primary 7!

Primary 7 have made a great start to this school year.

Everyone is looking very smart and we are all eager to learn!

Leah and Reuben were voted in as our Pupil Councillor and Vice Pupil Councillor for this year.

We showed the P1s how to use the playground toys properly.  We played games with little groups of children and gave them ideas on what they could do. We developed our creativity, leadership and team-player skills. We felt good doing this. -Isla

During the open afternoon there were several different stations for people to complete different challenges. Some of the activities were building a bridge using cardboard and Make Do materials, transferring water along a straw pipeline, programming the Botleys and coding the MicroBits. We developed our designing and creativity skills. It was a really fun afternoon. -Arran

During the first couple of weeks we got to know one another. We complimented each other’s strengths and got to find out al about each other.  We set targets for the year ahead and at home we created a poster to share important information about ourselves. We developed our creativity, caring and communication skills. The first couple of weeks helped us feel comfortable in class.- Shubhra.

We have been completing a variety of different pieces of writing. We created a Recipe for the Perfect Summer which consisted of everything we did during the summer. We also wrote about what our Perfect Classroom would be like and we researched the life of Queen Elizabeth II in order to write a biography.  We developed our creativity, research and writing skills. The writing has been fun. – Grace

In P.E we have been learning different sports. We have learnt to play disc golf, chicken hero and football. Everyone shared their thoughts and ideas on the new games. We developed our teamwork and leadership skills. It was really fun learning new games. -Kallan

In skills academy we learnt all about the different types of engineering. We had to design our own way of transporting an egg down a zip line using only certain materials.  We had to test our design and then adjust our design. We developed our team player and creativity skills. It was a good experience. – Leah

17 thoughts on “Getting Started in Primary 7!”

  1. Wow what a busy and exciting start to p7, lovely to see the photos of everything I’m hearing about at home. Also what a lovely photo of them all in their formal wear.

    Have an amazing year p7, if the first month is anything to go by, you will learn and achieve so much this year.

  2. P7 pupils look like they’re loving this year. Great to see pics of them enjoying themselves in class.
    Onwards and upwards.
    Graces mum and dad xx

  3. I’m glad to see Lucy is settling well into p7! She’s always coming home telling me about her days. She just keeps growing and growing in confidence. Such am exciting year for them!

  4. I loved when the P7s help the P1s just like it was was when they were in P1. Also I enjoyed learning new skills in PE, programming the Botleys and making a bridge with Iona and her friends.

  5. What an amazing start to the year. You guys have managed ti squeeze in so much already. Looking forward to seeing what’s to come!!

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