Baking to raise money for the Poppy Pledge

Pupils at Dalry Secondary are making their contribution to the Poppy Pledge by baking all sorts of tasty goodies.  During Wednesday Afternoon Activities, Vinnie, Grace, Codie and Grace cooked scones and brownies.  They have already made jars of blackberry and apple jam with fruit they collected from the hedgerows around Dalry.  Their baking will be for sale at the Dalry School Coffee Morning – Thursday 11th October, 10am – 12pm. 


Outdoor Education

In outdoor education we are working towards achieving a John Muir Award. To achieve this we need to explore new places, so far we have visited Loch Skerrow where we discovered the old filling station. Trains used to stop here to refill with water and coal. We also visited the Bennan viewpoint, from here we could see Loch Ken. Along the way we saw some interesting plants and animals. We photographed the plants and animals that we saw and researched these when we returned to school.

By John Muir Group

Vintage Concert at Dalry

On Monday 21st May all the schools of the Glenkens gathered together in Dalry School Hall to hear a concert by the Vintage Ensemble. This group of musicians from all parts of Dumfries and Galloway meet once a week to play new music, arranged by their founder and leader Jonnie Dowswell – our ‘local’ from New Galloway.

It is quite an undertaking to get all the schools together but Kells School came by bus while Carsphairn pupils came by car, all sitting together with their peers from Dalry Primary School. Students from S2- S4 who are learning a musical instrument came to the concert as well as all the S1 pupils who are going to be doing a topic on ‘Musical Sound’ in June. This will involved listening to and telling the difference between different instruments, making an instrument, playing famous pieces of orchestral music such as  Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ and Offenbach’s ‘Cancan’ on classroom instruments and trying out orchestral instruments for themselves.

The concert started off with a Basque Dance which had the children tapping their toes, followed by a selection of Klezmer music. The pupils in all the primary schools have been singing and listening to Yiddish (Jewish) music as the latest Music of the Month. You may not think you know any of this music but if you look up ‘If I were a Rich Man’ from Fiddler on the Roof, Shalom or Havah Nagilia on youtube, you will probably recognise the style. Pupils have been learning a popular dance to ‘Haida’, composing ostinato accompaniments to ‘Zum Gali Gali’and watching famous musicians play Klezmer music.

During the concert pupils learned about the different families of instruments and noticed how all the string instruments looked similar,  except for size.  and sounded correspondingly low or high. The group members gave little solo demonstrations of their instrument, which we followed with a game of  ‘Guess The Instrument? All the students from the Glenkens schools were totally wonderful – answering questions really well and sitting quietly during the playing.

Another style of music, which the students recognised, was the mediaeval street music, which again they studied during a previous Music of the Month. A number of students played along with egg shakers and followed the drum pattern.

The last few pieces were a delightful mixture of styles – Django Reinhardt ‘Minor Swing’ , The ‘Paragon Rag’ by Scott Joplin (who also wrote the famous ‘Entertainer’) and finally a fast piece called Tarantella Funiculi Funicula which had the audience clapping in time all the way through.

I must thank the Vintage Ensemble for coming to play a special programme for us and demonstrate the enjoyment of music making. These musicians are a mixture of amateur and professional musicians, who have or have had successful careers in engineering, medicine and the arts and we cannot thank them enough for giving their time freely to entertain us all.

It was great to see all the pupils enjoying music together and I can only commend all of them on their great behaviour, responsibility and intelligent responses.  I will miss them all when I retire at the end of June and hope that music will continue to flourish in the Glenkens.

Ros Henry

S1 Comments

Vinnie – I really like the very big instrument – the double bass. I don’t know how he got it in the car! It had a good beat. There was a good rhythm.

Danny – There was a good rhythm. The violins were quite cool.

Jessica – There was a good mixture of tempo which helped split it up. I think it was really sweet how they played the song that was played when the Titanic was sinking.

Romolly- I liked the different types of music they played. And the music was calming to listen to.

Ewan-The music was calming to listen to. They played each piece brilliantly.

Codie- I liked the drums because they are the right instrument for me and the music is calming for me.

Kaelan – I loved how relaxing the music was to listen to and I also liked how they played the song that the orchestra played when the Titanic was sinking.

P4/5 Dalry –  comments

Dear Mrs Henry, Thank you so much for organising the concert, we really enjoyed it

We really liked clapping to the beat of the drum at the end.

We liked learning the names of all the instruments.

Brodie liked three of the songs because they made her think of Alton Towers, where she had heard them before.

Oscar liked the Medieval songs. Elizabeth said that the music made her imagine things.

Jack liked the songs that were in the style of ‘The Entertainer’ by Scott Joplin.

Eleanor liked the final song.

Thanks again.  Please thank the Vintage Ensemble for coming to Dalry, we hope to see them again one day.

Best regards P4 and P5 😃


Christmas Outreach – Dalry Secondary Pupils Entertain at Carlingwark House and The Golden Day Centre, Castle Douglas

This year Dalry pupils wanted to go out into the community with their music and after a successful concert in November, returned to Carlingwark House with a new Christmas programme. Ten pupils from S3 and S4 played and sang Christmas songs and led a Christmas singalong , accompanied by the ladies and gentlemen of Carlingwark House on sleigh bells and shakers. Instruments they played included bass guitar, electric guitar, trombone, piano and ukulele.  The songs featured Christmas favourites and some modern versions of carols including ‘In Dulce Jubilo’ and ‘Away in a Manger’. Rory and James from S4 sang two duets- ‘Do you hear what I hear?’ and ‘One candle’. All the pupils did very well despite have arrived 40 minutes late as a lorry was being pulled out of a ditch on the main road from Dalry. All in a day’s work for a performer!

The following day, four pupils headed down to The Golden Day Centre in Castle Douglas to perform. Three of the four students are learning piano and were able to play a mixture of jazz, classical and Christmas music. In addition, they played violin and glockenspiel as well as singing solos and duets. James also sang some Scots songs – prompting an invitation to return around Burn’s Night to perform a mainly Scots selection.

All the students from Dalry School were delighted to be able to connect with these two wonderful community groups and give their best to entertain others.

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