S3+S4 biology and geography trip

The S3 and S4 pupils have just returned from a fantastic field trip to FSC Millport. They spent two days practicing essential fieldwork skills and they also manage to work on their social skills too.

The group of 13 pupils set off just before school on the wednesday and drove up to Largs to catch the mid-morning ferry. They arrived at FSC Millport just before lunch and had time to unpack their bags and settle in before starting at 1pm. After a brief introduction and discussion with the tutors, the pupils headed out into the field wih the two classes splitting up and the geography group being joined by pupils from Glasgow.

The pupils worked hard until dusk there they returned to the center to warm up and get a delicious meal. They then wen back out and set up investigations which were to be checked the next day.

They finished of the first day with a short debrief and sent some time socialising with their new found friends. They retired to bed with a rather unique view – a nuclear power station!

They rose early next morning with a beautiful view down the Clyde and scampered of to check the result of their investigations.

We still had several hours of work ahead so the pupils headed down to the shore to carry out the next part of their investigation. The view from the beach was magnificent with the snow-capped peaks of Arran clearly visible in the distance.

The pupils spent a couple of hours in pretty cold conditions, researching and collecting data with the aid of the FSC tutors.

Finally, they returned to the centre for one last de-brief before heading home.

Dalry secondary would like to thank FSC Millport and their staff, Friends of Dalry School, and Natural power (who financial contribution made this trip possible). We hope the pupils will have fond memories of their time and it will benefit them throughout their academic career.


A new term – Autumn

The pupils have returned to a new term and are looking forward to all the activities planned. The S3 and S4 have a field trip to FSC Millport and there will be an exciting school play as well as a Christmas fair later in the year. The S1 pupils will have a trip to Dumfries to learn about Robert Burns, and the S3 pupils will have a trip to Castle Douglas to learn to “do the right thing”.It will be a busy term and the senior pupils will be looking ahead to their prelim exams after the Christmas break.

The John Muir award Group

The John Muir group have been busy working on their school conservation project and they are progressing well.

They have started clearing all the weeds from the old pond and started to think about an updated design for a new pond.

They have also been thinking about what wildlife would be attracted to the pond and how they can add different features to aid this.

S1 farm trip

S1 pupils from Dalry Secondary School kicked off their geography studies with a visit to the impressive dairy unit at Littleton Farm.

Robert Dodds hosted a tremendous visit, leading the group around the dairy facility and renewables plant. Armed with clipboards and worksheets, the pupils had plenty of questions for Robert and, of course, Robert had all the answers! A lovely class from Dalry Secondary and a great start to a busy year of RHET farm visits ahead in Dumfries & Galloway. Many thanks to Robert for giving up his morning to educate our young people. Thanks also for looking after our Coordinator, with the delivery of a welcome Cappuccino from Galloway Lodge Coffee shop before the school group arrived!


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