Dalry Secondary School has a W.A.A (Wednesday afternoon activities) group for the environment part of ASDAN. This group looks to improve their school and hopes that they can make the school more environmentally friendly. The pupils have plans to ask for more bins, plant more trees, pick up litter and more. The Pupils will be doing as much as they can to as much for the school and the ecosystem as they can. So far the group of 7 have: looked around the school for problems, brainstormed ideas for improvement, created posters, created this post and gotten useful information. We are undertaking 4-5 tasks in module 1, My Environment- Review and awareness raising, and plan to do the other modules soon. The other modules include: learning about the atmosphere, the urban environment, the natural environment and the wider environment. We will be taking action as soon as possible and hope that we can reduce the CO2 , plastic usage and the general problems in our environment.
- More recycling bins
- Plant fruit trees, and hedges
- Continue to develop the pond
- An environmental campaign about improving the school